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Ijog down the stairs of Skyler’s building, the nerves of the night and this morning still running haywire. It took everything out of me not to tell Chace just to fucking Uber to the airport so I could stay holed up in Skyler’s bed with her all day, her sexy body pressed against—I huff in annoyance at the fact that I have to take this asshole to the airport.

Well, he is the reason you met Skyler.

Chace is parked out front, with every window down, blasting music out of my Wrangler. I approach the car and he’s grinning from ear to ear. “Can you turn that shit down? It’s early. And it’s Sunday.”

He turns the music down with a dramatic eye roll. “Awww, is Aidy boy cranky that he had to pull himself out of the hot Italian?”

“What did I tell you about calling her that?” I growl as I settle into the passenger seat. Before I was annoyed, but now I’m pissed. Skyler isn’t the hot Italian. Well, she is hot, but… He chuckles before he pulls his sunglasses from his face. “Bro, tell me you got laid.”

“Did you?” I ask. “Did you defile the bed in my guestroom?”

“Guestroom?” he snorts.

My head snaps to look at him. “If you fucked that girl in my bed, I’ll kill you.”

“Relax, your sheets are in the wash.” He waves me off.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Chace?”


“You’re such a fucking dick.”

“Oh chill the fuck out.” He pulls away from her building and starts driving back to my apartment, which if I’m totally honest, I have no idea where it is. “So, did you smash or nah?”

I know if I don’t give him something he’ll literally be like a dog with a bone, and normally I wouldn’t mind indulging him, but Skyler feels…different. “We had sex,” I tell him as I rub a hand over my face. The fatigue of getting no sleep last night is catching up with me. Worth it though. “A lot of sex.” Skyler is undoubtedly the hottest girl I’ve ever fucked, and I swear her pussy felt like a vice was wrapped around my dick when I was inside of her. She gave head like she was made to do it, and her pussy tasted like sin and sex. I shift in my seat thinking about the way she rode my face this morning, her cum dribbling down my chin and sinking into my skin. Fuck, I still smell her on me.

“Finally! God, I knew all it would take is one night out with yours truly. James can go fuck himself.” He turns down a familiar street and I take note of how fast we got here from Skyler’s apartment. “So, you going to see her again?”

I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. “Tomorrow.”

“Word? A date?” He pulls into my garage and into my parking spot.

“We’re having dinner.”

“And by dinner you mean…” He makes the gesture for a blow job and I’m out of the car instantly. “Oh, come on, when did you get to be so uptight? Before the ice queen removed your dick from your body, you would have appreciated that. I thought when you guys broke up she gave you your balls back?” He follows me into my building.

“Because I’m not twenty fucking seven anymore. Excuse me for having just a bit of respect for women.”

“Oh God. Here we go.” He groans as we enter my apartment.


“You’re going to get all weird and scare this girl off. I can already tell.”

“No, I’m not.”

“C’mon it’s just us. Lay off. I’m not asking what her cunt tasted like in fucking front of her. Get that stick out of your ass before I knock it out. I made a few jokes about fucking her and you’re ready to have a fit. I know it’s been a while since you’ve been in the game, but just…keep it chill. You don’t have to be so intense.”

“I am chill.”

“And she’s your rebound! I know how you think. Don’t pin all your hopes and dreams on this young girl, Aidan. You’ll just get hurt. She’s here to have fun, not take the Reed name.”

“I’m not trying to marry her, Jesus Chace. I’ve done the casual sex thing.”

“Alright. Just…be careful, bro. Don’t go too hard, too fast.” He pauses. “Well…you know what I mean.” He smirks and raises his eyebrows up and down at his innuendo.

I heed Chace’s warnings. My natural response to what happened last night is to text Skyler. Ask her how her day is going and maybe what color her panties are. I don’t and now it’s the next day. I would never say this to Chace, but I haven’t stopped thinking about her since I left her apartment yesterday morning and it irritates me more than I care to admit that I didn’t talk to her again last night. Don’t come on too strong. Be aloof, Chace told me.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance