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“Would you like it to?”

“Yes, please, Daddy.”

“Then I guess I’d better see about getting my good girl off.”

* * *


He cleaned up the area they’d been using as quickly but as thoroughly as possible. He’d sent Tamsyn to get them water and it was the most ridiculous kind of high to watch her walk down the main drag of the club, naked except the drying come on her chest and stomach that looked shiny in the low light, with two cups in her hands, and a smile on her face.

He was vaguely aware she was turning heads—of course she was, she was a beautiful woman and even in a place like this where nude people were a dime a dozen, she’d attract attention—but that was all peripheral. Mostly what he saw was her.

Tamsyn handed him a cup and flushed deeper when he thanked her. First with words and then with a firm press of his lips to hers while he drew her closer. He wanted to touch her, have her close all the time.

“We should find a spot better suited to me spanking your delicious backside,” he told her, emphasizing his point with a squeeze to her bottom. “Also free this station up. It’s crowded here tonight.”

Hive was as busy as he’d ever seen it, which was both nice because it reminded him that he was very much not alone in his proclivities, but also a tiny bit annoying since a most of the equipment and furniture was in use.

“Yes, Daddy,” she agreed, and he slipped a hand into hers and towed her away, nodding to a couple who eagerly took their place at the St. Andrew’s cross.

There were a couple of spaces open along the long corridor, but nothing that would be good for delivering a spanking. At least, not the kind he wanted to give her. Hux wanted her over his lap and close to him so he could feel the heat of her body, how she’d squirm over his thighs. The private rooms had all been booked when he’d arrived and besides, he wouldn’t make that presumption without talking to her first. Yes, he spent the night at her apartment regularly, and they played here often but playing in private was an overlap he didn’t have consent for, yet.

He didn’t want to wait, risking the possibility of losing the mood or the momentum they had, but they might have to. Except there was one place they hadn’t looked yet.

Tamsyn had allowed him to lead her through the club but when they approached the nursery, she hesitated. She didn’t stop completely but it was enough for him to notice, which meant it was enough for him to bring it up.

“Is this okay?” he asked, gesturing with his chin to the sign above the door.

“Um, yeah, I was just surprised. We haven’t…”

“No, I know. And I wasn’t planning to make this about DDlg or age play. Not any more than it already is with you calling me Daddy anyway.”

That was true, but also easy to say. Less simple to make it feel that way with all the trappings of the nursery around them. There were some more middle-geared things in the room like a school desk, but it was definitely more of a little and even ABDL vibe. He would understand if that was too much for her.

“We could wait until something out here frees up if you’re more comfortable with that,” he offered even as he crossed his mental fingers she’d refuse.

He should’ve known her well enough by now to know that if a challenge was issued, she would accept it. Even if he hadn’t meant it as a challenge. Stubborn little thing.

“No, I want it now,” she pronounced and he had to laugh.

“Then let’s go see if we can get it for you, greedy little girl.”


Thankfully, when they'd gone into the nursery, they’d been able to grab a spot right away. And there had only been a small lurch of her stomach when she saw that it was a rocking chair. That was totally fine. Sure. Fine. Good, even.

She liked the way she could be draped across Hux’s lap and still be supported by the wide arms of the chair. Almost like the thing had been purpose built for this, which of course it had been.

Now she was face-down over his thighs while he held her close with one arm, and stroked her backside with his other hand.

She was still warm from the flogging but it had been a while since it had ended and it hadn’t been harsh so most of the heat had dissipated. She had no doubt Hux would remedy that in short order. He didn’t disappoint.

His gentle attentions became firmer, cupping the curve of her buttocks in his hand and squeezing, coming close to pinching. He dug his fingers into her flesh in a way that might bruise and she wasn’t sorry. The rough handling wasn’t spanking, but it lit her up nonetheless, called attention to that sensual, sexual part of her that craved attention.

Of course the evil man didn’t touch her between her thighs. When she spread her legs in invitation, he pulled them shut and she wanted to pout.

“You have tokeepbeing a good girl,” he told her, tone coated in mocking. “A good girl spanking isn’t license to do whatever you want. Daddy’s still in charge.”

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic