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Chapter Sixteen

When they walked into the office, there was a Black man in a white lab coat and a white woman with brassy blond hair in an old fashioned nurse’s dress and cap standing behind the check-in desk. They both looked up and smiled when she and Arthur entered.

Even though they both looked kind, Saoirse couldn’t bear to let go of Arthur’s hand. She’d never liked going to the doctor’s and her mother had always rolled her eyes and dismissed her nervousness which made it even worse since in addition to anxiety, she’d been embarrassed and ashamed by being weak too.

The man in the coat came out from behind the desk, still grinning, and extended a hand to Arthur, quickly switching the hand on offer without comment when he realized Saoirse was clutching Arthur’s right hand.

“Arthur, so nice to see you again.”

Her daddy shook the man’s hand and smiled back. They seemed very friendly. And not in the way Arthur was sometimes pleasant to people he didn’t particularly care for at parties or on the golf course. No, her daddy seemed to genuinely like this guy.

“Good to see you too. And I appreciate you taking this last minute appointment.”

“No trouble at all. We were here for a special birthday exam so it was nothing to stay for another appointment. Especially for your little princess.”

The man turned his gaze on her and held out a hand. “You must be Saoirse. Your daddy has told me all about you. How proud he is of you and how pretty you are. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen all week.”

It was silly—why should she care if some guy thought she was pretty?—but Saoirse felt herself flush and pressed closer to Arthur, half-hiding behind his shoulder. Yet another person telling her how proud Arthur was of her. It was enough to make a girl cry.

“Thank you,” she mumbled as she shook his hand. He smiled again. He had a nice smile and he didn’t shake her hand too hard. Sometimes the men at school liked to intimidate people with a bone-crushing grip and acted like it was her fault if she “couldn’t handle it.”

“I’m Doctor Eric and this is my helper, Nurse Marni. We’re going to be doing a very thorough exam today. Some of it will be different from any doctor’s appointment you’ve had before. But I promise we’ll be gentle, and I want you to tell me if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable or you need us to stop, okay? No one’s going to be upset or think you aren’t a very brave girl, promise.”

She nodded after sneaking a glance at Nurse Marni who gave her a reassuring smile. Okay, she could do this. It was just a doctor’s appointment and she’d been through a hundred of those. And Arthur wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. If he trusted Doctor Eric, she would too.

“Okay then, let’s get started. The exam room is right down this hall.”

She stuck like glue to Arthur’s side as they walked down the hallway and stepped into the exam room. It was bigger than most of the ones she’d been in, but otherwise it looked familiar: same exam table, same cabinets, same sink.

“Why don’t you go ahead and get her undressed Arthur? There’s a gown on the exam table for her to wear for now.”

She thought Doctor Eric and Nurse Marni would leave while she got changed into the gown but no, they were still in the room and didn’t seem like they were going anywhere as Arthur reached for the buttons on the front of her dress.


“Yeah, princess?”

“Are they… Are you going to…”

There was a beat but then Arthur’s face lit with understanding.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Doctor Eric and Nurse Marni see a bunch of littles every week. Plus they’ll be conducting a very thorough exam so they’ll be seeing every inch of you anyway.”

If that was supposed to make her feel better, it didn’t. But she let her daddy strip her out of her dress and underthings before helping her into the flimsy cotton gown. At least it was pretty—it was pink with unicorns and castles on it. She traced the designs on it while he tied a bow at the back of her neck.

Then Arthur set her down on the edge of the exam table and she kicked her feet while gripping the sides of the table. He took a seat in the corner but she could see him and it made her a little less nervous. He wasn’t going to leave, he was going to be here the whole time.

The first part of her exam was like any other—they checked her eyes, ears, and throat, drew blood samples, listened to her heart and lungs, and took her blood pressure. Then they checked her height and weight before having her lie on her back on the exam table and Doctor Eric poked at her stomach a bit.

Well, all this was totally normal. While she still didn’t love being in a doctor’s office, there was nothing special about it. Until Doctor Eric patted her thigh and looked to his assistant.

“Let’s put the patient on her tummy, Nurse.”

Doctor Eric and Nurse Marni helped her turn over and pushed a foam wedge under her hips that forced her bottom into the air, and then Nurse Marni flipped the gown over her backside, baring Saoirse to her waist. She squeaked at the feeling of exposure and tried to turn over but Nurse Marni put a firm hand at the small of her back and said, “Be a good girl and stay still, Saoirse. I know your daddy wants you to be well-behaved for the doctor.”

She knew Arthur would want her to be calm and cooperative, but it was hard when Doctor Eric and Nurse Marni wrapped thick leather straps just above and below her knees and tethered them to attachment points along the table, forcing her legs to spread wide. Her ass and freshly shaved pussy were on display and it was mortifying.Thiswas not normal.

“Daddy, I don’t think I need this part of the exam,” she protested, even though she knew it would be fruitless. Unless she used her special word which she knew was always an option. But she didn’t think this was a “cherries” level of discomfort—plus, discomfiture wasn’t the only thing she was feeling. Her titties ached and her pussy was so wet she could smell her own arousal.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic