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Chapter Nine

Arthur’s head swam as he held Saoirse against him.

He was grateful to not have wildly misinterpreted her responses. He wouldn’t have wanted to scare her off when she was so desperately in need, but now the possibilities and problems were endless.

He still didn’t know if she wanted to have a sexual relationship with him since some littles didn’t want that from their caregivers. But if he were a betting man, the way her breath had come heavy and she’d rocked against his hand while he cleaned between her legs screamedyes, and he’d go with his gut.

So Renata might come here and slit his throat or cut off his dick and stomp on it with her stilettos. On the other hand, she might do nothing. Maybe make some noise, but she’d probably be more likely to encourage Saoirse to take advantage of him since that’s what Renata herself would do. Not a pretty reality, but the one he found himself living in.

“That makes me very happy,” he told Saoirse, and she tightened her hold around his neck. Sweet little girl. Such a smart, strong, determined woman who just needed some babying, some spoiling, and some discipline. He’d be glad to give it to her.

Arthur patted her soft bottom.

“We need to get you ready for bed, pretty girl. It’s way past your bedtime and you still need your spanking before I tuck you in.”

Saoirse drew away from him and there were tears glittering in her eyes. He didn’t want her to be upset. Yes, she needed to be disciplined but he wanted her to accept it; he wouldn’t force it on her.

“Why are you upset? Are you nervous about your punishment? You can tell Daddy.”

Saoirse shook her head.

“No. Not really. I’m just…” She took a big breath, her blue eyes wide. “I’m excited but it’s scary and I’m happy but it’s hard and…”

“Those are a lot of big feelings. Are you maybe feeling overwhelmed?”

She nodded, dark lashes fluttering.

“Sometimes when little girls are overwhelmed it’s helpful for their daddies to be in charge of everything. Then the only thing you have to do is sort out your feelings and I’ll be here to help you with that too. Does that sound good?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. It sounds good to me too. Now let’s get your face washed and your teeth brushed and then we’ll get you in your jammies.”

Saoirse nodded again and he gave her backside another gentle pat.

She stood and he levered himself up, not failing to notice the ache in his knee. He wasn’t a young man anymore, wouldn’t do to be kneeling on hard tiled bathroom floors like that. Not for long anyway.

He led her over to her dressing table and picked up her hairbrush, brushed the tangles out of her long raven hair before putting it in a ponytail and slipping her stretchy terrycloth headband over her head and pulling it back to her hairline. Then he soaped up a new washcloth with her cleanser and rubbed it in circles over her cheeks and forehead, bidding her to close her eyes so he could get her eye makeup off and then using another damp washcloth to wipe everything away.

She was so pretty all fresh-faced, her freckles more apparent without makeup on. She’d be darling in pigtails or a braided crown. He’d see in the morning what she’d let him do for church. He didn’t want to embarrass her, but he also didn’t want her to forget that she was his now. His little girl.

And his sweet princess went completely red when she reached for her toothbrush and he bent her over the counter and spanked her hard a dozen times.

“No,” he told her while his palm was landing on her bare, round backside. “You’re too little to brush your own teeth. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Daddy will do it. I’m going to spank you every time you do something you’re not allowed so you learn how to behave like Daddy’s good little girl.”

Saoirse gasped and squirmed but didn’t argue with him or try to stand up. No, she laid her hands on the counter alongside her head and closed her eyes, breathed hard, but didn’t fight him.

Something shot through him—something like satisfaction and pleasure and a feeling of deep… What was this, connection? It startled him at the same time it felt familiar and unbearably right.This. This was what he’d been looking for all these years. Perhaps he’d just been waiting forher.

Arthur helped her stand when he was finished and Saoirse looked at him, lips parted, pupils dilated, and flushed all the way from her cheeks to her chest, sweet pink nipples drawn up into hard little points at the tips of her lush round breasts.

He wanted to drag her down to the floor and rut into her while pulling that gorgeous thick ponytail, but not now. Didn’t stop him from wanting though.

“Now. Be a good girl, and open up.”

Saoirse did as she’d been bid and allowed him to brush her teeth and dab foam from the corner of her lip. Then he tipped a glass of water into her mouth and told her to swish it around and spit before he put some chapstick on her lips.

The last thing he wanted to do was put her in clothes—she should be naked all the time with a body like that, her pale complexion and curves for days—but he’d told her he was going to put her in her adorable pajamas so that’s what would happen. He’d keep his word. He wanted her to always be able to trust in that, if nothing else.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic