Page 21 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Twelve

Getting back to Hive happened in kind of a blur. All she knew was that she was in Jethro’s arms and he wasn’t going let anyone hurt her. He promised. And she’d never known him to break a promise.

When a little girl had asked for a certain doll at one of the Christmas parties last year and they didn’t have any more, he’d driven three hours roundtrip to pick one up and paid for it even though she knew too that he’d already donated two big boxes of presents. If he was that serious about getting a toy for a child, she had no doubt he’d take very good care of her.

Eventually Jethro came to a stop and sat down, cradling her in his lap.

“You can stay in my lap if you want but you need to sit up so Dr. Eric can take a look. Can you tell him where you’re hurt?”

She let Jethro arrange her and though she felt kind of silly perched on his thighs, having him literally at her back, his arms wrapped around her hips, the salt-and-pepper curls of his hair grazing her arm, it made her feel better.

She couldn’t explain why no one else could give that to her right now—she especially regretted the way she’d pulled away from Hudson who she loved and trusted, but anyone other than Jethro made her anxiety spike. Sable just…needed him. And he didn’t seem to mind so she wouldn’t try that hard to stop.

Sable blinked at the man crouched in front of her.

“Hey, sweetheart. I’m Dr. Eric. Can I call you Posey or something else?”

“Posey’s good,” she said, laying her hand over Jethro’s and holding on like her life depended on it.

“That’s a pretty name, I like it.”

“Thanks. Hudson gave it to me.”

“Oh yeah? I’m friends with Hudson. He’s a good guy, isn’t he?”

She swallowed and nodded, caught Hudson’s eye over Dr. Eric’s shoulder and gave him a little wave. Hudson waved back, but had a brittle smile on his face. She’d hurt his feelings. She’d apologize later but she couldn’t right now.

“Are you feeling like a little girl right now or a grown-up?”

“Little,” she said, as she swung her feet to the sides of Jethro’s shins, careful not to kick him even though she didn’t think he’d be mad. Probably just gently ask her to stop. If that. He was always super patient with the children at the parties, even the ones who yanked on his beard and tackle-hugged him.

“Hudson told me you just got a new stuffie. Do you want to hold it while I look you over?”

She nodded again, suddenly wanting to hold and cuddle Tundra as tight as she wanted. Which was super tight. Hudson came closer and held out the plush snow leopard to her. She took it from his outstretched hand and when Jethro said, “what do you say, baby?” she replied, “thank you.”

Since when had she needed someone to remind her to say thank you? But she was a fucking mess. Everything felt wrong and scary except Jethro. She just wanted to go home with him but she’d follow his rules. She wasn’t even up to pitching a fit right now.

Tundra was soft and squishy and Sable clutched her tight against her chest.

“That better?” Dr. Eric asked, and she nodded.

She liked him. He was handsome with his dark brown skin and black hair and eyes that were darker brown than Jethro’s, and he was kind. She still didn’t want him to touch her but if Hudson and Jethro said he was a good doctor—even though he was wearing an ugly Rudolph sweater and not a white coat—she supposed she would believe them.

“Would it help if I showed you what I was going to do on your stuffie? Does it have a name?”

“She. Her name is Tundra.”

Dr. Eric smiled at her. “That is a great name for a snow leopard. You’re such a clever girl.”

She flushed and ducked her head.

“Can you show me on Tundra where the bad man hurt you? Then I’ll show you how I’ll examine you on her. I promise I won’t hurt her.”

It was silly to worry about a stuffed animal, Sable knew that. But she also knew her brain was not being logical at the moment and if something happened to Tundra she wouldn’t be able to handle it. “Promise?”

“Pinky swear.”

Sable gave him a hard look to make sure he wasn’t making fun of her, but his face was clear and honest, and he was holding out a hand with his pinky sticking out.

Tags: Honey Meyer Erotic