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We laid down our hands on the table, and I felt my erection throb as I realized that she had nothing, not even a pair. She had to lose the shirt or the pants, and I could have sworn that I could hear my heart beating it was thumping so hard against my ribcage as she straightened her back and reached down to the hem of her shirt. Holding my eyes, she pulled it over her head so slowly that I felt like it was deliberate and torturous striptease.

Then, her breasts, clad in a flesh toned, silky bra that could barely contain them, came into view. I could see her nipples, already hard and pushing against the thin fabric, just begging for my fingers, my teeth, my tongue, and I was aching to give her all three.

Her waist was small and her skin looked so soft that I had to touch it. Resisting the urge didn’t feel like an option any longer, but rather a wild hunger I couldn’t control, no matter how hard I tried. This feeling inside of me wasn’t just desire anymore. Ineededher in a way that might have scared me if I was sober.

Overcome with that desperate feeling and done with this slow card game, I grasped the side of the table and used my strength to shove it to the side, out of our way. Sophie gasped as I launched myself forward, pushing her down to the floor as I claimed her lips in a hot, searing kiss that was long overdue.

There was an explosion of sensation in my body as Sophie’s softened against mine. Her legs automatically fell open to make room for me in between, giving my hard, aching cock a soft place to grind against—despite the clothing we still wore. I nipped her plump bottom lip, then darted my tongue inside her warm, welcoming mouth to tangle with hers, reveling at the uninhibited way she returned my bold, deep kiss.

God, she tasted so fucking sweet, despite the bourbon we’d consumed.

Skimming my hand up her side, I palmed her breast through her bra, but that wasn’t enough for me. Needing to touch her bare flesh, I pulled her bra strap down, freeing one of them from confinement. The firm mound felt heavy and full in my palm, and I brought my other hand up to her cheek, brushing her dark hair back before sliding my fingers around to the back of her neck and pulling her mouth harder against mine.

Her soft, sensual moan rumbled against my lips. Her skin was warm and smooth, and I was dying to run my tongue over every inch of it. Finally breaking our kiss, I moved to her neck, working my way down. I licked along her clavicle while Sophie arched her back and reached behind her to release the clasp of her bra, freeing her beautiful, lush tits for me. I lowered my head, capturing one of the hardened buds in my mouth, suckling her nipple while I used my thumb and forefinger to pinch the other one.

Pleasure and pain combined to make her body come alive, and Sophie gripped her fingers through my hair, tugging on the strands as a soft, greedy whimper of sound escaped her. I ached to take her right then and there, to sink my throbbing cock as deep as I could get inside her so I’d finally know what it felt like to claim her and make her mine.

But first, I wanted to make her feel good. I wanted to watch her come apart beneath me before I carried her to the bed and fulfilled the fantasies that I’d been trying to ignore for nearly a year.

Loosening the tie securing the waistband of her sweatpants, I pushed a hand inside and down between her legs. I groaned when her slick pussy coated my fingers with her arousal. She was ready for me, and all I could think about was whether or not she was soaking her panties every day at the office. How many times had I suppressed my own desires while she was ready to be bent over my desk at any time?

That thought was hot as hell, and I already knew that work would never be the same again.

Lifting my head, I looked at her face as I slipped a finger inside her body, watching as her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted on a soft moan. Tilting her head back, the long column of her throat was exposed to me. She was a vision like this, completely uninhibited and wanton.

I slipped a second thick finger inside her, pumping them in and out. She spread her legs wider for me and shuddered. I loved how responsive she was and not shy at all about her pleasure. Sophie moved her hips and pressed down on my hand, letting me know she wanted more.

I brought my thumb to her clit, rubbing in small circles as I continued to fuck her with my fingers. I lowered my head to her breasts once again, pressing hot, damp, open-mouthed kisses all over her skin.

“Oh my God, Connor,” she cried out loudly, and another surge of lust shot through me at the sound of my first name falling from her lips. “Yes! Don’t stop.”

I had no intention of stopping. Maybe not ever. Because controlling her orgasm like this was almost better than working toward my own. It made me feel powerful, and satisfied some primal part of me that longed to take care of my woman.

My woman? Where the hell did that come from?

Before I could think further into that, Sophie’s hand grabbed my arm, holding it in place as her hips thrust forward again and again. She shamelessly rode my hand until her face twisted in an expression of overwhelming bliss and she came hard, her core clenching around my fingers. My head swim and my cock pulsed with the thought of her milking my hard shaft the same way.

No more waiting.The second her orgasm passed, I pulled my hand free despite her protest, and gathered Sophie into my arms. Lifting her into the air, I headed for the bed.

We weren’t nearly done yet.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Erotic