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“Why am I nervous?” I ask, chucking a sweater out my closet door. I’ve been through at least six outfits, and nothing is working.

“I think it’s sweet,” Jake says, coming in behind me and rifling through my clothes. “Here.” He holds up a red dress with long sleeves and a crisscross front. “Wear this with your knee-high boots.” I study the outfit, thinking it’s actually good. “Always trust a closet gay. We know best.”

I laugh and snatch the clothes from his hand, turning around as I take my t-shirt off to slip on the dress. “What time is it?”

“Four fifty-five. Is Cole normally on—” The doorbell rings. “The man has a key but rings the bell. A gentleman after my own heart.” He bats his eyes at me.

“I’ll have you know Keith gave him a key.” I laugh, threading an earring through my lobe.

He points. “You want me to get that?”

“Please.” I go back to some last-minute prepping. I hear Jake make a joke about the flowers Cole must be holding. I take a deep breath and look in the mirror. “Okay.”

Cole is standing by the door, while Jake is prattling on about the weather. Cole is dressed in pants and a dress shirt. I know how much he hates to wear them, but damn, he looks sexy in business attire. His gaze finds mine, drops over my cleavage, and tumbles to the floor. A lazy smile appears, and my heart skips a few beats.

“Hey, baby.” He slips his fingers across his chin, circling under it, with the other hand stuck in his pocket. He slowly moves toward me like a panther hunting its prey, eyes dark and intense. His arms hook around my waist as he drops his lips to mine softly.

“Have her home by eleven. Lucky broad,” Jake mutters then shuts the door behind him.

Cole holds my hand to his lips. “I need to tell you something.” I look up at him and wait. “I got confirmation that Rodrigo is dead.”

“Oh, that’s—that’s, wow.”

I’m…I don’t know what I am.

Cole nods. “One down, one to go.”

“Three,” I correct him, thinking my father needs to be taken out. I grab my jacket and purse.

Cole wraps his arm around my waist, walking me to the door. “Okay, no more talk about that shit. Tonight is about you and me.”

I lean up and kiss him on the jaw, one of my favorite places. “Okay.”

“I can’t believe it!” Zack claps his hands as we walk into the restaurant. “Finally, you two are on a real date! Please come. I’ve saved the best table.” Cole helps me remove my jacket, running his hand down my back and swiping over the curve of my backside.

“This is going to be hard,” he growls in my ear. I smile and turn around, conveniently grinding my bottom into his stone-hard erection. I look over my shoulder.

“It already is, baby.” I bite my lip, fighting back the lust that’s battling with my rational side. Wearein public. He sucks in a breath as I take my seat. He lets it out and slips across from me in the booth.

“Hi, Savi.” Adam grins and fills my water glass first. “Red’s a stunning color for you. Really makes your dark eyes pop.” My cheeks heat, and I glance at Cole’s face. He’s finding it funny.


“Thanks, Adam.”

“Are you feeling better? Or am I going to need to buy you your own trash can so you can carry it around with you?” he jokes.

“It was nothing,” I say before I glance at Cole, who is studying my face. He can I see I’m lying. “Bad food too soon after the flu.”

“2005 St. Frances, one of my favorites.” Zack holds up the bottle to show us the label. Cole thanks him as he starts to pour the wine. “Adam, stop flirting. Table seven needs water.”

“Bye.” Adam grins as he walks away.

Zack laughs and shakes his head. “I feel for ya, Logan. You’re going to be fighting men off this one left and right your whole life.”

“Then I guess we’re even,” I cut in, and Cole rolls his eyes.

“Dinner will be ready in twenty. I promise, no fish, Savannah.” Zack winks and heads over to check in on another table.

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance