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Cole nods then glances over the man’s shoulder like he sees something. The guard turns quickly, and Cole wraps his arms around the man’s neck and holds on tightly. Cole hooks his leg around the man’s. Holding him closer to his body, he flexes with all his might, finally feeling the pop he is waiting for. The guard goes limp and falls to the ground, slipping from his grasp. Cole quickly plucks the key from the guard’s pocket, frees himself from the cuffs, and tosses them into the shadows. He snags the gun and rolls the man into the brush, all the while watching the door for the two other men. They don’t show. Just as he pushes off the man’s body, he feels something square in his pocket. He pulls out a phone.


With the gun flung over his shoulder and the phone secure in his pocket, Cole runs into the thinly wooded area and heads north toward the mountain where he can find high ground and good cover. He runs and runs and runs, letting the stars guide him. Breathing is everything. You need to control your breathing to keep your heartrate steady so you can run longer. Luckily for Cole, he has long legs which allow him to sprint through the brush. After about forty minutes of flat-out running, he slows, feeling pain deep inside his gut. He stops and holds on to a tree. His hands reach down and feel blood soaking the top of his pants.Mind over matter.What he needs is some clean water and a piece of cloth to wrap his midsection.

Something catches his attention off to his left, and he drops to the ground, swinging his gun in front of him and scanning the tree trunks. It’s dark, and the woods are thick in some areas, but Cole can spot a panther stalking its prey before it can spot him.

A familiar whistle breaks through the silent night. It takes Cole a few moments to recognize the tone. He squints when he hears it again.

“Raven One,” a male voice calls in perfect English, “I’m a scout for Eagle Eye One.”

Holy shit, he’s a fucking scout for Frank!

“Name?” Cole calls, still keeping his gun raised.

“Staff Sergeant Mills, Colonel.”

“Show yourself.” There’s a rustling sound, then a man dressed in dark clothes appears, holding his hands up. Cole grips the gun tightly but lowers it as soon as he sees the man lift his shirt, showing a U.S. Army tattoo confirming which unit he’s in. He’s definitely part of Frank’s team. “You alone, Mills?” Cole asks, allowing himself to sag against the tree.

“No, sir. Sergeant Hahn is on high ground while I came down here to find you.”

“You were watching the house?”

“Yes, sir.” Mills nods and comes closer as he checks the time.

“You expecting someone?”

“Yes, sir. Blackstone is on their way.”

“Wait,” Cole says, shifting his weight. “Blackstone is on their way here?” Mills nods. “When?”

“Should be arriving in twenty.”

Well, fuck me sideways.

“Let me see your radio, Mills.” Mills hands it to him, saying they’re on channel six. Cole holds it to his mouth and clicks the button. “Raven One to Raven Two, do you copy?” Seven long seconds go by before he hears him.

“Raven Two to Raven One, your voice never sounded so sweet, brother.” Cole grins at Mark’s comment. “Meet at Eagle Eye Three’s lookout point.”

“Copy that, Raven Two, meeting at Eagle Eye Three’s lookout point.” He hands his radio to Mills and nods toward the trees. “Lead the way.”

“Yes, sir.” Mills hesitates then reaches into his pants pocket, handing Cole a small pill in a plastic wrap. Cole shakes his head, not needing anything to cloud his judgment until he’s back on U.S. soil. They head toward the mountains until halfway up Cole pulls Mills to the ground. A spotlight swipes the edge of the mountain. Cole spots it coming from a Land Rover about two miles from them. He signals for Mills to hand him his radio and clicks the button several times until he hears clicking back. He slips the radio in his pocket and cautions Mills to stay low but keep moving. They reach the top just as he hears the chopper blades off in the distance and his radio clicking Morse code at him. It’s Mark wondering if they still have company. He clicks back confirming they’re several hundred yards behind them and to be prepared.

Mills slides between two rocks and into a small hole which offers a panoramic view of where Cole had been held captive. He removes a small box of rations, water, a blanket, and his duffel bag.

Eying up Mill’s duffel, Cole looks at him. “How long have you been here, Mills?”

“A week, sir. We got word someone was being held down there, so Frank had us watching the house. Hahn and I thought it was you, but given the video, we figured it must be someone else. We didn’t say anything. We had to be sure it was you before we could report to Eagle Eye One.” Mills adjusts his machine gun, getting ready to fire. “The day they took you outside without your shirt, we were able to confirm it was you.” Mills nods to Cole’s tattoo. “Your ink was a dead giveaway.” He hands Cole another gun then motions to head back out into the open.

The chopper is just landing as they come to the clearing. Mills moves over the edge and signals the Cartels are close. Cole nods to the chopper when Mills is suddenly flung backward from the force of two bullets to the side of his torso. Cole leaps forward, grabbing Mills by his arms and pulling him back toward the chopper as it lands. Mark suddenly appears at his side.

“We have to go!” Mark shouts, clutching Mills’s other arm and helping Cole pull him inside the chopper.

“We need to pick up the other scout!” Cole yells as they signal the chopper to leave.

“It’s too risky!”

“The other scout!” Cole commands, catching a glimpse of his father. They exchange a look.

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance