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“Under one condition.”

“What’s that?” She leans closer as I begin to let her inside my head and the madness that’s been eating me up inside, desperately needing release.


Cole pulls into Camp Green Water, where team Blackstone spent two weeks volunteering their services, and also where he is scouting a new recruit for the house. He makes his way over to the third big warehouse where the recruits are back for more training. These are the men who made the first cut. His boots squeak across the tile floor as he nods to the captain who’s blowing a whistle for the men to walk on the bottom of the pool with a brick in their hands. He blows it once, and the men drop to the bottom. Two staff sergeants are in the water with masks, ready to help if need be, and two follow up on top for a bird’s eye view.

“Colonel Logan.” Captain Anderson shakes his hand. “So, you’re here to take one of my men, are you?”

Cole smirks, knowing every man would love a chance to come play at Shadows. Their reputation excites anyone who’s a thrill junkie…so, most men. “I have a few in mind, but I only need one.”

Anderson watches as the men resurface at the opposite end. He blows the whistle again, getting them to return the same way they left. “I have three more rounds, then they’re all yours.”

“Sounds good,” Cole observes, keeping a close eye on the number that interests him, but then his attention is tugged to a different recruit. He moves down to the edge of the pool and watches the situation. One of the staff sergeants begins to make a move, but Cole holds up a hand, wanting to see what will happen.

One of the men has stopped to help his teammate who got caught up in his rope. They’re both struggling, needing air, but this recruit isn’t giving up. He even goes so far as to pull his buddy along with him as they finish the drill. By the time they finish, the recruit is barely coherent, and his buddy is passed out but comes to quickly.

Cole takes note of his number and smiles. Savannah will be happy.

“Number nine,” Cole calls once the man is standing upright. “A word, please.”

The man is wide-eyed as he takes in Cole’s presence. “Colonel,” he huffs, out of breath.

“Corporal Davie, nice work down there.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Cole rubs his face. He wasn’t expecting this turn of events. “I was under the impression you had an issue with water, but what I just witnessed makes me think you’ve gotten over your fear.”

Davie takes a long breath, looking back at his buddy. “Well, sir, you never leave a man behind. If he didn’t finish, then we all don’t finish.” He laughs a little. “I’ll be frank, I have no desire to do that again, but I will if I have to.” He turns and looks at his buddy. “Pipes is a good swimmer, sir. He just got disoriented.”

Cole nods, liking his answer. He couldn’t have asked for a better one. “Get dried off, pick up your things, and meet me in the main office in thirty.”

“Ah-yes, sir.” He looks confused but does as he’s told.

Exactly thirty minutes later, Davie takes a seat, dropping his bag at his feet. He looks around the office, apparently taking in the severe lack of décor in the old warehouse. Cole closes the file and glances at his cell phone, waiting for an update from Keith. He and Savi should be back at the house by now, but he knows he doesn’t have time to call.

“Davie, I have to be honest. I had another recruit in mind for a position at Shadows, but after what I just saw, I think I may have to change my mind.”

“Oh?” Davie can’t hide his interest. He rubs his blond crewcut like he’s used to it being a little longer.

“Would you be interested in a spot at Shadows?”

“Yes, I would, very much so.”

Cole leans over the desk, putting emphasis on his next words to make sure he is very clear. “You understand what you will be giving up by joining the house? Relationships are next to impossible, secrets are your life, twelve to fourteen-hour shifts are not unusual, and in rough elements. The house and team will become your family. I treat my men well. I haven’t had a complaint yet.”

Davie sits up a little straighter. “I understand, sir. I’ve always been interested in Shadows. I know what I will be sacrificing, but I don’t have much to lose. My only family was my father, and he just passed two months ago. I have no ties. I’m basically a shadow already.”

Cole knows about Davie’s father and how he drowned off their fishing boat, but never once does Davie bring it up or use it as an excuse, and that’s a damn good quality in a man. He’s tough and can control his emotions. Davie is clearly a perfect match for Shadows.

“Pack your bags, Davie. We leave in an hour.”

The smile that appears on Davie’s face is enough to lighten anyone’s mood. He grabs his bag and jumps up, holding out his hand for a shake. “Thank you, Colonel. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.”

Davie leaves just as Roth, number fifty-nine, is about to knock on the door. He glances at his phone with a puzzled expression before he quickly tucks it way and stands at attention.

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance