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Cole clicks his radio, signaling to Blackstone that they are close to the drop-off spot. They’re five minutes out when a call comes through on the satellite phone. He glances at his father, who shakes his head. No one should be calling unless something’s happened. Everyone is silent; only the rev of the Land Rover engine can be heard.

“Mike?” Cole answers quietly.

“You’re not going to believe this, Logan, but…go ahead.”

“Cole?” Her voice smacks his stomach into a somersault and lodges it right into his throat.

“Savannah? Where are you?” He has a ton of questions, but he stops himself.

“Hi.” He can tell she’s fighting tears.

“Hi, baby,” he gets out. “Where are you?”

“I’m somewhere in TJ. Some farm with a Louisiana-looking home. Cole, his name is Denton.”

“The American’s?” he asks, still shocked to hear her voice.

“Yes. Luka’s dead. The American killed him. I don’t know where Douglas and Lynn are. I’m here at The American’s house, and there are other girls here. Five others.” She races on, “The American brainwashes them. He says he wants to sleep with me tonight, but…” Cole clenches his jaw so hard he’s sure he cracked a tooth. “Tim is his muscle, and he’s going to help me.”

“Hold on.” Cole is trying to take in her words, but she’s talking a mile a minute. “Who’s Tim?”

“The American’s bodyguard. He said he doesn’t want to help Denton anymore. Cole, he’s going to help me get rid of him. It will take three weeks, then Tim will help me get back home.”

Cole glances at his father and shakes his head. “Savi, I need you to listen to me. Are you near a window?”

“There’s nothing for miles, Cole. Umm, Depex…the-the security key code to get through the driveway gates is, ahh, 55725.”

Cole scribbles her information on his arm. “Okay, calm down, slow down. How long did you drive for?”

“I don’t know. Tim gave me Tylenol for the pain, so I slept most of the way.”

Cole lets out a long breath. “Baby, that wasn’t Tylenol. He drugged you so you didn’t know where he was taking you.”

“No, Cole, Tim is going to help me.”

“Why did you have to take Tylenol?” Cole asks, ignoring her last comment.Silence.“Savannah?”

“My family all turned on me. That’s why The American killed Luka. I think my ribs are fractured. Physically, I’m okay, but until Tim offered to help me, I think I was mentally slipping.”

Cole closes his eyes, wanting to take her pain away. “We’re about to cross the border. I’m coming for you, baby. I will make sure of it.” He hears her starting to cry and jams his fist into the dashboard, cracking it. John pulls the Land Rover over, getting out with the others and giving him a moment alone with her.

“I have this tiny,” she hiccups, trying to find her voice, “razor blade tucked into my bra. I thought about using it.”

Cole’s heart misses a beat. Leaning forward and catching himself, he pleads with her. “Please, Savannah, hold on for me, I need you. If you can take anything away from this phone call, take this. I’m coming for you. I’m in love with you. You know that! We’re going to be okay. I just need you to hang on. You need to make me another Fritter.”

“Yes, Colonel.” Her voice suddenly changes. Someone must have come into the room.

“Is there someone there?”




“Just stay put. I’m coming for you. I need you to repeat after me."Nos encontramos mañana enfrente de la marketa con la puerta roja a las tres de la tarde."She does, making it sound like she speaks Spanish fluently. “Perfect job. Okay, don’t say a word about any of us.”

“All right,” she sniffs, making him want to cry himself. “Colonel?”

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance