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“Show some respect, Derek.”

“I was out cold, Mike. It’s just a natural reaction when one gets awakened the way John woke me.”

“Stop talking—”

“Guys,” Mark whispers, shaking his head. Now is not the time for a pissing match. Emotions are too high.

John walks behind Paul, who is limping along on a crutch from his recent knife wound to the leg. Daniel appears with his wife, Sue. He sits her down on a chair. She looks confused but keeps glancing back at the stairs. No doubt she would rather be with Savannah than here with everyone else.

“I’m here,” Frank announces, bursting through the front door. He doesn’t bother taking his boots off as he sits down on the couch.

“All right,” Daniel addresses the room. “I’m making this short and sweet. The man who was killed on that tape wasn’t Cole.” The room is so quiet you’d think someone pressed a pause button. “When the body twists in the video, the man doesn’t have a tattoo on his shoulder, and we all know Cole has his Special Forces one.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Paul chimes in. “So—”

“How confident are you it’s not him?” Frank moves his attention over to Daniel.

“I’ve watched it two more times, and I’m one hundred percent confident the man on that tape is not my son.”

Frank stands and pulls out his cell phone. “Good enough for me. Give me a minute.” He heads for the kitchen.

“Dan?” Sue whispers from her chair. “I don’t think we should say anything to Savannah until we know what we’re dealing with. I don’t think she can handle it.” A tear slips down her cheek, and Mark’s stomach twists tighter. “I don’t think I could handle seeing her shatter the last piece that’s holding her together.”

Daniel walks across the room, taking his wife’s hand in his. “I agree, dear.”

“You will go too.” She stands stiffly, wrapping her sweater around her hunched body. She looks like she’s barely holding on to her emotions.


She nods. “Go bring our son home.” He gives her a kiss on the cheek then watches her walk toward the stairs, the shock of the evening’s events making her move like a zombie. Daniel sighs then turns to look at everyone just as Frank returns.

“All right, we have a possible location. We have two scouts watching the house. It’s in a small town right outside Tijuana.”

Dan steps forward, wiping his sweaty palms across his weathered face. “Since Paul is out, Keith will take his place, and Mike will be in charge of the house.” Derek begins to argue, but Daniel shakes his head, stopping him. “The team needs absolute trust, Derek. You’ve shown that you don’t work well in a unit. Until you prove yourself, you’re staying here.” Derek leans back, muttering under his breath.

“I’ll give you access to anything you need,” Frank informs them. “I need this to be a quick extraction. Get him out of there before we start an even bigger goddamn war with those assholes, though I’m not opposed to lighting the whole place up on your way out.” Frank rubs his face roughly. “Chopper will be here in thirty.”

“Okay, men, let’s move it,” Daniel orders as everyone quickly scatters. “Frank, I need to see the blueprints for the house.”

Abigail clears her throat. “What if—”

“No,” Daniel whispers, looking grim, “no what-ifs.”

She nods and gives Mark a quick hug. “Be careful, my boy.” She kisses his cheek. “We’re having prime rib.”

Mark grins a little. “Well, in that case…” He stops himself as the painful lump rises.

“I know, sweetie.” She runs her hand along his cheek. “He’s going to be okay.”

“Yeah,” he sighs, hoping to anyone who is listening to make his best friend be alive.


I sit in Cole’s tub and stare out the window. I can hear June and Sue whispering about something when Abigail comes into the bathroom. She shuts the door then comes to sit in the leather chair across from me. It’s two in the morning, and since my pathetic attempt at suicide failed, I have everyone in the house awake.

“Are we going to have to put you in a padded room, Savi?” she asks, making my heart squeeze. “I know you’re hurting. We all are, but don’t bring more hurt to this family by ending your life.” I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. She sighs then clears her throat. “I’m so sorry, Savannah, about the baby.”

“Please,” I swallow around a sob lodged in my throat, “don’t.”

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance