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Keith points at the main office. “Let’s talk inside.”

Mark joins them as well. Keith clears his throat, looking pale and sweaty.

“Where are John and Paul?” he asks, seeming to gather himself.

“They’re still out in the field. What’s going on?” Cole asks between clenched teeth.

“I don’t have all the details yet, but Derek took Savannah to town this morning and they haven’t returned.”

Cole’s stomach drops as his head tries to process what was just said.

“What do you mean?” Daniel asks, crossing his arms. “Did you trace the SUV? They all have trackers, you know that.”

“I did, and it was parked outside Christina’s store. We checked, of course, and she said they didn’t come in but figured they were planning to after they did some errands. She didn’t think about it until later, as she got busy. She did remember seeing a black truck drive by a couple of times. I got the plate number, and it’s registered to an Agent Michael Stall.”

“Did you get hold of Stall?” Mark asks, shaking his head.

Cole’s hands ball into fists at his sides—something’s off. Derek is an ass, but he wouldn’t hurt Savi.

“Yes, and after some threatening, it turns out Derek paid him to drive him and Savannah to the airport.”

“Airport?” Mark hisses, glancing at Cole. “Why the fucking airport?”

Keith glances at Cole and lets out a long breath. “I have a theory.” All eyes turn to Keith as he continues. “This morning, Savannah was acting really strange. Abigail said Savannah was acting almost like she was saying goodbye. She did the same to me. I could tell she was lying about something. She’s a bad liar.” He pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket. “I found this in her wastebasket in her room.” He hands it to Cole.

Cole quickly unfolds it and scans the words.Fuck!

“What is it?” Mark moves to his side, trying to read the paper.

“She found the email from her father to Frank, and my reply.” Cole’s words are quiet. “Dad,” he looks to Daniel and feels all the blood rush from his face, “she’s walking into a trap.”


I came to this house stripped of everything, and you built me into something. I have never felt whole, never felt a sense of belonging, never felt true love until I met you.

My leaving is to give you something you gave me—peace. There are so many lies that surround me. They need to be dealt with, and only I can find the answers. I’m tired of being broken. I’m ready to fix this. I will not let you hurt for me again. I know I can do this, and I’ll soon be back in your arms.

You will forever be my knight who stormed the castle wall and saved me from all the evil that held me prisoner.

I love you, Cole Logan.

Forever yours,

Savannah x

Cole sits on the edge of the bed, his hands shaking as he re-reads her letter for the tenth time, fighting back the nausea that’s pooling in the back of his throat.

“Oh, baby, you just walked into the lion’s den,” he mutters as he picks up his duffel bag.

“Ready when you are,” Mark calls out softly from the doorway.


I watch the familiar scenery fly by. As we ride in the tinted Ford Explorer to my father’s office, my mind wanders. Well, I’ve wanted to know what this would feel like ever since I was taken to my own personal hell almost ten months ago. It doesn’t feel like home anymore; it feels cold and crowded. I suddenly miss the wide-open space of the Montana mountains, my friends, and yes, my family. New York City isn’t right for me anymore. I have found peace and happiness—I’ve moved on.

The weight in my belly that’s been forming since I stepped on the plane is getting heavier as we drive closer to the office. My fingers catch and run along the chain to the tiny snowflake that hasn’t left my neck since Cole gave it to me. I’m so nervous my leg is bouncing wildly, making a thumping noise on the floor.

Derek’s phone rings, and I flinch. I watch his face when he reads the caller ID. He swallows hard as he answers the call.

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance