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Chapter Eight


I feel more human after a two-hour nap and a shower. Dr. Rice comes by and checks on me, saying how lucky I am that Keith found me in time. I am also informed the lemonade was indeed spiked with Visine eye drops. Apparently, it can cause a lot of harm if ingested. If I had drunk a second glass, I would be a lot worse. There are some cases where people actually died. I appreciate the doctor’s explanation, but it is upsetting, to say the least.

Poor Abigail is in fits, apologizing to me. She fusses over my pillow about six times and asks if she can get me anything. I assure her I’m fine. I just want to get up and stretch my legs. I get the green light from Abigail, but I have to promise to eat, and if I felt tired, to get rest and not fight it. I promise more for Abigail’s sake than for me, and seeing her eyes light up on the way to the kitchen is well worth the promise.

“I’m thinking oatmeal with sliced almonds? It’s healthy and will stick with you.”

“Sounds good. Thanks,” I say as I sit on a stool at the breakfast bar.

“Don’t worry, dear. Cole gave orders that all food was to be tossed out and replaced, so everything should be fine.”

My jaw drops. “All the food? Are you kidding me? You had enough to feed an army!”

“We are the Army,” Mark chimes in, ignoring my eye roll. He looks me over. “How bad was it?”

“Let’s just say I felt like I was knocking on death’s door.” I shudder at the memory. “But I’m better now.”

“Glad to hear it.” He leans over and plucks a grape from the bowl then lowers his voice. “Cole, Keith, Mike, and I are the only ones who know what happened, and we want to keep it that way until we know what we’re dealing with. Okay?”

“Okay, sure, but who’s Mike?”

“Delta Six. Keith had him watch you while he filled Cole in on the details.”

“Oh. Have I met him yet?” I try to remember.

“No, but you won’t forget him after you do.” He smirks. “Let’s just say I’m glad you were out of it when he was watching you. He’s one scary looking son of a—”Whack!A tea towel hits Mark in the face.

“Mouth, Marcus.” Abigail scowls and points a wooden spoon at him. He laughs as she sets the bowl of oatmeal in front of me along with a glass of orange juice.

Cole doesn’t show his face again for the rest of the evening. I’m disappointed because I still haven’t shared what I found with him, but I realize it isn’t that important in the general scheme of things. I’m feeling pretty beat and pass out around seven, not waking until eight the next morning.

I’m told Dr. Roberts needs to take some personal time off, and we’ll pick up where we left off when he returns. In the meantime, there is someone on call if I need to speak with them. I don’t.

I spend the next day lounging around my room under Abigail’s watch. She won’t let me do much. I know she is making sure I’m all right.

The next day, my body is more than ready to get back to my daily routine.

“Hey, Savi.” Mark appears in the kitchen. “What are you up to today?”

“Oh, you know, got a meeting at eleven, client lunch at noon, presentation at two. Same old, same old.”

“Bored, are we?”

“I just need to move.” I bite into an apple.

“We’re running drills up and down the mountain. We’re dressed in blue, and we’ll be firing paintballs, so don’t go giving any of us black eyes again, all right?”

“No promises,” I joke.

“Well, if you’re in the mood, give it to the guys with the red armbands. I’m green.” He winks.

I take the longer path up to see the horses. I enjoy this route. At one point, it gives you the most beautiful view of the lake. I wish I had a camera. I’ll have to see if Abigail knows where I can get my hands on one. Perhaps there’s a place in town.

I settle on the grass and soak up the cool mountain air. I lean back on the ground, closing my eyes. I love the way the wind blows and makes a soft, wispy sound, and how it grows louder as it gets closer.

“Savi.” I squeeze my eyes shut. No, they will not break my happy Zen moment.

Tags: J.L. Drake Broken Trilogy Romance