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“You’re pregnant?” His smile stretched across his face, and his eyes danced with excitement.

“Yes, my love, another little heartbeat is on the way.”

“Whoo!” he shouted, and others in the shop turned to stare. He didn’t care, and he grabbed my face and kissed me hard. “Oh, I need to call Mama. She’s got to get started on everything. No, I should call the doctor first and have her be there when we return. No, Mama first.” I laughed at his spinning head as he left to call Andrea from a quiet corner of the shop.

I caught my happy expression that reflected back at me from the window, and it warmed my insides with the knowledge that the man I loved wanted to have a big family so we would always be surrounded by endless love.

I loved being happy.

“Mama, guess what?” Elio’s voice came to me as he talked on the phone, then faded as my attention was drawn to a familiar looking man. He looked as though he was shouting at someone, I leaned toward the window to see better, but with his beard and ball hat, I struggled to fully see his face. Then whoever he was yelling at got out of the car. The flash of sunlight as it caught on her cane had me jolt to my feet.

“Elio!” He was instantly behind me. “It’s Rosa!”

Suddenly, a black tinted SUV came to a screaming halt, and three men hopped out and forced Rosa and the man into the back of their vehicle. People on the sidewalk scurried so as not be get involved.

“Who are they?” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“The Cartel,” Elio mumbled as the SUV peeled off into traffic and out of our view. “I guess Rosa’s not going to be a problem anymore.”

I turned and made a face at him and thought how wonderful karma could be at times.

“I guess not.” I shrugged.

He grinned as he pulled me to him. His hands threaded into my hair, and he kissed me the way he always did to let me know he loved me. I felt a sense of freedom as I sank into him and allowed myself to let go.

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Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance