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“Your hate has spewed itself onto my family for long enough,” I boomed. “The only good thing about you walking this Earth was you gave me them.” I nodded at my cousins.

“You, of all people, Elio, know what it’s like to love someone you can’t have!” she wailed. “I was supposed to have this great life, with the man I loved, with our children, and then that wretched mother of hers ruined everything!” she screamed in a horrific voice that seemed to snap her out of her rage. She suddenly dropped the glass like she couldn’t believe what she was doing. “I’m sorry,” her hand flew to her chest, “I-I—”

“You want to be with your lover?” Bosco roared.


Noemi’s white blouse spread outward in a red merlot. The sound of the gun shook us all, and the relief it brought was like a window opening, letting in the much-needed air to live again.

“That’s a hell of a lot cheaper than a divorce.” Bosco tossed his gun on the table while his wife slumped to the floor. He stepped in front of Niccola and placed his hands on his shoulders.

“Look at me, Niccola.” Niccola’s face lifted to his father’s, and a tear rolled down his cheek. “You are my son. Do you hear me?” He reached out a wiped the tear from Niccola’s cheek. “You are mine.”

Niccola nodded, and Vinni came over and wrapped his brother in a hug.

“I will not apologize for that.” He pointed at Noemi’s body. “We’ll get through this,” Bosco’s voice had a hitch in it, “together as a family.”

“We’re no different than we were three hours ago.” Vinni hugged him tighter, and Niccola clung to him, his face white as a ghost.

“How could she do such a thing?” Niccola’s gaze cast over to me, and I held his steady to show him nothing would ever change between us.

“Sometimes people become bitter, and they just can’t accept the things life brings. They simply lose their way.” Mama spoke softly while she rubbed his back. I knew she wanted to give him some sort of motherly love.

“I’m sorry, Bosco,” Sienna addressed him carefully.

“I’m not.” He let out a long breath. “I never loved her. I can’t believe the lies she’s lived with all these years. She was always in the way of the life I wanted with Amara. The only thing she gave me were my sons. It needed to end this way. It all needs to end tonight.”

Silence fell over everyone as we absorbed the night’s events. Bosco needed time with his sons to come to terms with their mother’s death, and they huddled in the corner and talked quietly near the fire. Mama and Papa made everyone drinks. Sienna sat and sipped her water, and we clung to one another both in need of an anchor.

Sienna suddenly looked up at me. “I’ll be right back. I just thought of something.” She left the room and returned a moment later with something in her hand. She walked over to Niccola. “This always bothered me.” She reached out to him and placed something in his hand. “I found this in the garden room months ago. I found it so strange that it was here in this house. It’s a teddy pendant similar to mine. The Coppolas give one to the mother when a girl baby is born. I’m guessing Theo gave it to Noemi since she was still pregnant. Why he didn’t give a pin, I’m not sure. It was probably the only thing she kept when she came to live here.” She moved closer to Niccola but looked at Bosco briefly as she spoke. “I know it’s too soon and a lot to take in, but it’s something we both share.” She smiled softly at Niccola, and his chin quivered as he looked down at the tiny bear. “I’ve always wanted a brother, Niccola. I’m sorry for how this happened, but I’m glad it’s you.”

“Shit, that didn’t sting,” Wyatt joked, breaking the tension and bringing laughter to the room.

Niccola stood up and wrapped her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

“We’re going to get through this. Okay, we may have Coppola blood, but we are Capris to the end,” she whispered.

“I know we will,” he said as his father and brother joined in the hug.

* * *

Later, back at our house, Sienna and I showered and changed without saying much. Neither of us were concerned about the loss of Noemi. Relief mixed with sadness for the boys was all we shared as we chatted about the events of the night. We enjoyed a few laughs over our wedding. It would go down in the books as a typical mafia rollercoaster ride.

“Ready?” I helped her down the stairs. We drove back up to the Hill House to meet with the family. Once we got inside, we could both feel that the atmosphere had changed. It was like we were all back to our old selves again.

“Elio,” Papa said as we came into the living room hand in hand, “the car is waiting to take you both to the airport. Your honeymoon will not be delayed.”

“Papa.” I shook my head, unsure of how to navigate this evening.

“Look here, you two, I personally shopped for this trip,” Wyatt chimed in, holding a glass of rum. I smiled at his confidence of his place in our family. He was definitely family now. “Those dresses, heels, and bikinis will not go to waste and with what’s happening in there,” he patted Sienna’s belly. “You won’t be wearing those little numbers again for a long while.” Mama grinned, and I could see they had this pre-planned. “Everything’s in the car. Off you go.” Wyatt waved dramatically.

I caught sight of Niccola out on the patio.

“I’ll be right back.” I headed outside, closing the door behind me. I wanted a moment alone with my best friend, who just so happened to be my cousin. He was sitting on the table, his feet on the chair, looking out over the vineyard.

“I know, everything will be fine,” he said over his shoulder. “I just need time to comprehend what the hell just happened.”

I sat next to him. We both took a moment to share the night with the crickets and a hooty owl.

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance