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Speaking of which, I snagged a pocketknife from the bedside table then went into the hallway. I quietly moved down the hall pushed Elenora’s bedroom door open and walked inside. It was spotless, cold, and dull. She had a few stuffed animals on the bed. Such a child. Her slippers sat neatly by her vanity, and I kicked them as I got close. Perfect Elenora and her need to dress like she was royalty. I tipped over her perfectly aligned perfumes bottles then popped the top off her lipstick in hopes it would dry out.

I slumped my heavy body down onto the bench and stared into the mirror and allowed myself to imagine for a second that I was her. I snarled at her hairbrush and knocked it into the trash can, hoping something caustic would leak onto it. Maybe her hair would fall out the next time she used it. Then I spotted her jewelry box and flipped up the lid to peer inside.

My breath caught in my lungs when I spotted the signature teddy bear pendant. I knew it was the one the mothers got when they were about to have their babies. The mothers were supposed to hang on to them until the child was old enough to wear it. I wondered where the lapel pin was. Generally, they were given both at that time. Did Theo take it back when her gender was revealed as a girl?

“What are you doing in here?” Theo snapped, closing the door behind him.

“You’re back?” I turned to see the clock and realized I had completely lost track of the time. “I was just,” I was too tired to lie, “seeing what it was like to be her.”

“So, you want to feel like her? She’s a bitch and could only produce a daughter.” He sighed and knelt in front of me. “You know I’m in love with you.” He took my hand and held it tight and pressed the other to my belly. “You’re not a bitch, and you will give me a boy. Right?” It was almost more of an order than a loving moment, but I nodded at him with a big smile as I hoped to hell this baby was a boy because I wasn’t sure what it would mean for me if it wasn’t.

“I see you stuck with tradition.” I motioned with my chin toward the teddy bear. He moved closer to see what I was looking at, and his brows pinched.

“I never gave her that.” He stood and used two fingers to pick it up. “Where in the world did she get this?” he said more to himself.

“You didn’t? I wondered if you’d taken back the lapel pin since she had a girl.” I was digging, but I didn’t care. I wanted to know everything.

“I’ve no idea where she got it. Maybe it was Nonna trying to win her over.” He scoffed in disapproval then moved his gaze to me. “I don’t have a lapel pin for our son yet, so why don’t you take this one? I’ll get you the right one, the lapel pin, as soon as I can.” My stomach clenched at his undying need to have a boy. “Noemi, my love, you deserve one more than anyone, so as someone who is carrying my son, take this as proof that I will always love him.”

The way he said “my son” carried with it such dark promises. I snatched it from his hand in my desperate need to have something from him.

“Do we have a plan for Bosco?”

“I’ll take him out myself,” he waved me off, “once I know what’s going on in there.” He tapped my belly, and my gaze dropped right along with my stomach. Wow, I felt like my baby was the only thing anyone cared about. I twisted the teddy bear between my fingers.

“Won’t she notice it’s missing?”

“No.” He shrugged as he stood. “I’ll just toss another one in there later, and she’ll never know the difference.” He disappeared into the restroom, and I knew our moment was over. I hurried from the room, clutching the little bear tightly.

I would never get that lapel pin because the bitch would kill him not that long after.

My chest pained as I remembered tucking the little bear into a planter in my favorite room at the Capris’ summer villa months later. It was the only tangible thing I had left of Theo except for my memories of our secrets and lies.

Stop!I squeezed my eyes to push back the panic that always came with those memories.Get it together.I was losing it, and I needed to stay focused on the present.

When I heard laughter, something changed inside me. My thoughts firmed up, and I took a breath, opened my eyes, and started my plan.

I pressed my phone to my ear when Bosco sat down with Amara. I had to smile at his pretense that she was just a colleague. I forced a worried expression on my face and glanced at him then away quickly. I knew I had his attention.

“Is that so?” I nodded to the imaginary someone on the other end. “I’ll be sure to pass that along. Thank you.”

“Is everything all right?” he asked in a tone that showed he cared, when I knew he would be pleased if I got hit by a bus. We were in front of family, and he played his part well, just like I was about to.

“Seems Rosa was just spotted in Rome and is now on her way back here.”

“What?” He stood, and his chair scraped the floor, drawing a few people’s attention our way.

I smiled at them and lowered my voice. “Please, Bosco, keep it down. This is not a day to ruin.”

“If she’s on her way, we need to get ready.”

“I understand that, and that’s why I’m telling you now.”

He looked at Amara, who waved him off with a smile. She turned and watched him hurry across the room, and I slipped a few drops of poison in her drink. Rosa was, after all, on herway over.Who knew what else might just come from this chaos? I smirked and watched as my lie about Rosa was about to spread as quickly as Amara’s legs had with my husband.

I knew my lie would send Bosco over to speak to Piero. A possible sighting of Rosa Coppola would also be shared with Andrea, but she’d never involve the bride on her big day. Andrea was sickeningly thoughtful that way. God, I hated that woman.

I saw Sienna as she appeared across the room. She placed a hand to her precious belly then headed toward the kitchen. I’d nearly gagged when I overheard they were having twins. Of course, they were. What else wonderful was going to be shoved their way?

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance