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“You look,” he pressed his lips together and shook his head slowly, “perfect.”

“Thank you.” I felt my eyes prickle and looked away so I wouldn’t be overcome and ruin my makeup.

“See those two men there on the end of the aisle?” I followed where he was pointing and saw two nice looking men who looked just like… “My sons.” He smiled warmly. “I wanted them to finally meet you.”

“Really, that’s them?” I couldn’t believe they were here. Francesco was usually so private about his family that I tended to forget he had a whole other life once upon a time. “It would be an honor to meet them.” I smiled, thinking how much love was packed into this wedding.

“Shall we?” He offered his arm, and I slid mine through his as we waited for the violin to start. Andrea’s idea to drape the thin layer of sheer fabric along the ground soon proved how smart she was. My heels didn’t get stuck in the grass as I walked in my gorgeous shoes. I smiled at the thought of the last time my shoes had sunk into the earth and how we’d ended up spending the night in a crypt.Oh, yes, that’s an appropriate thought to have right now, Sienna.I shook the memory away and focused on all that was around me.

My goodness, nothing was spared. Gold glitter dusted the petals of the roses that adorned each chair, pink paper fans were placed as gifts for each guest in case it became too warm, and in front of me was a white arch where Elio stood on a raised platform next to Niccola and then Vinni. As we reached the front and turned, I saw that Piero and Andrea were both in tears in the front row, holding on to each other with such happiness that it nearly made me cry with them.

I blew them both a kiss then turned to Francesco. He held both of my hands.

“To watch you grow, fall in love, and now marry has fulfilled so many of my dreams. I love you,la mia ragazza. Now it’s time to hand you off.” He winked and kissed my cheek.

“I love you, Francesco,” I whispered, and his smile widened. He stepped aside when Elio reached for my hand and helped me up on the platform.

“Hi.” I looked up at him and was in awe at how handsome he looked in his perfectly cut, classic black tux.

“Wow,” he let out a big breath, “if you weren’t already pregnant…” He made me laugh, and he smiled with pride at what he’d already done.

The minister began to speak, but I hardly heard his words, as I was so caught up with the man in front of me. He smiled and squeezed my hands at all the sweet spots in the sermon. I snapped out of my daze only when we had to repeat our vows. Then Elio slid a diamond and silver band over my finger, and I slid a silver band over his. I didn’t think we waited for the minister to tell us it was time as we dove into each other’s arms and sealed our marriage ourselves. I vaguely noticed the crowd cheering as I lost myself in my husband’s arms, safe and sound. Exactly where I needed to be.

Later, after a whirlwind of photos and people wanting to congratulate us, we were finally whisked inside a room and told to stay there until they announced us for dinner.

“I have something for you.” Elio smiled his love as he removed a gold box from his coat pocket. He opened the lid and held it out to me. “I hope you like it.”

A ring?I removed it from the box to study it. It had a black oval stone much like his family ring, but when tilted in the light, I saw what he’d done. I looked up at his face, and my eyes misted.

“Yes, my love. You may officially be a Capri, but you’ve had a lifetime of hurt trying to find out who you really are. I’d never want to take that away from you. So,” he stepped near, and we looked at the ring together, “see that little bear there sitting on the crown with the crow? That’s where you belong.” I studied the tiny gold inset in the smooth black stone, and my heart swelled. I couldn’t believe he’d changed his family crest and blended it with mine. “We’re changing history,bella.” He slipped it on my right hand then let his hand fall gently to my belly. “One step at a time.”

“I can’t believe you did this.” I knew what this crest meant to the Capri family, and any tiny shred of doubt that he saw us as equals in this fight to stay on top disappeared forever. “Thank you. That was incredibly thoughtful.” I wrapped my arms around him and smiled at him, my husband. “I have a gift for you, too.”

“Oh?” He checked the time then pulled at his tie. “I think we can be late.”

“Not that.” I rolled my eyes playfully. “You might want to tell your mama to buy two cribs.”

His perplexed expression switched to one of surprise as it dawned on him what I’d said. The most beautiful smile stretched across his handsome face.

“Twins?” he nearly shouted. “As in two little heartbeats are swimming around?”

“Yes.” I was suddenly lifted into the air and spun around as he buried his face in my neck and laughed.

“When did you…when…” He shook his head, trying to get his thoughts straight. “When did you find out?”

“A week ago.”

“A whole week? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me until now.”

“Well, that was for two reasons. First, I wanted today to be extra special,” I beamed, “and second, I have more security around me than the Queen of England, and I was nervous of what might come next if you found out before today.”

“Oh, there’s no doubt I’m tripling our security,” he solidified my fears, “but, Sienna, twins!”

I laughed even as I knew I was about to lose the small shred of privacy I had managed to keep, but it was just who he was, and I couldn’t knock him for loving us that much.

“Are you two ready?” Andrea poked her head through the door and then looked a question when she saw the two of beaming like we’d found a mountain of gold.

“Yes, Mama,” Elio took my hand, “thefourof us are ready.”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance