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“Same goes for Wyatt,” I tossed at him. “He needs just as much protection as the rest of us. He’s Sienna’s family, and God forbid anything was to happen to him.”


A knock at the door put us both on edge.

“Come in,” I ordered as Niccola stood and tucked away his phone. He could finish his notes elsewhere.

“You wanted to see me?” The Finder asked as he gave a polite nod to Niccola.

“I did, yes.” I glanced at Niccola, and he left us alone to talk. “Shut the door and take a seat.” I nodded at a couple of chairs in the corner, and we both sat. I brushed my hands over the suede armrests and thought of my comfortable office at home. This wasn’t a chair I would have chosen, but it wasn’t my home.

“My apologies for not announcing my arrival in Naples,” he said to start the conversation off. “I arrived last night after I heard Greta and Abramo had been spotted in the area. I stopped chasing the leads I had for Rosa and came here instead. I’d intended to talk to you first, but to cut it short, I saw Abramo go out on the roof. When I got up there, he was with Greta. I wondered what they were up to.”

He paused in case I would give him some sort of explanation. When I said nothing, he shrugged and continued.

“Well, when Sienna showed, I had my gun drawn. So, you know, I was ready to step in if needed. I wouldn’t have let them hurt her.”

“I appreciate that.” I nodded and waved him to go on.

“Again, I just couldn’t understand what they were all doing on the damn roof in a storm. It made no sense to me, and it was impossible to make out their words. Then when Abramo pushed Greta off the side and started talking to Sienna, I decided it was best to wait and see. Lethal force was never on the agenda there. Unless warranted, of course.”

“Understood.” I rubbed the scruff on my chin while I digested his story. It was exactly how Sienna had described it. I shifted gears. “How are the leads going with Rosa?”

“Dead ends on all of them, but she’ll slip up at some point. They always do.”

“All right.”

“I did find out something, though.” He rubbed a hand over his bald head, and I could tell it was important. The Finder never hesitated when he gave the facts, so my nerves were on high alert.

“I’m listening.”

He leaned forward and handed me a piece of paper. It contained a number and a name. “I’ve never trusted him.” He held my gaze for a moment. “But he’s willing to talk for his life.”

“Quit stalling.”

“There’s just something about how you both met. He had all those big ideas to take down the Rosario syndicate. It never sat well with me.”

I swallowed hard as the realization hit me as to who he meant. It was like cold water being poured down my back.

“Tullio.” I said and puffed out a breath. Tullio, otherwise known as Tieri.

“Yes.” He nodded. “Over the years, I’ve kept my eye on him. He often went quiet, did some jobs here and there for people while he worked his side business with you. But when Sienna showed up, I noticed his bank account started to climb.” He paused when he realized what he’d said. “My loyalty has always been to you, Elio. If I suspect something’s off, I’ll take great measures to discover what’s happening.”

“I’m not judging. It’s why I hired you.”

“Very well.” He seemed to like my answer. “I traced the money to that account, and that name is who oversees the money transfers.” He indicated the paper he’d given me. “He may need a little convincing,” he gave a dark smile, “but he’ll confirm my story and provide you with any other information you wish.”

“And who is funneling him the money?”

“Rosa Coppola.”

My blood roared in my ears as it suddenly came into my head that Tieri had insisted on me taking the lead when we killed the Rosarios.

“Sir, I think all of it was carefully thought out and planned by the two of them. I mean no disrespect, Mr. Capri, but I need you to hear this next part.” I nodded and tried to push back the rage. “I’ve talked to Tieri several times over the years, and I think his grudge for you dates back to your initiation for your family ring. You killed his cousin.”

“Marcello Angelo was Tieri’s cousin?” I was floored by that.

“Indeed, and they were quite close growing up. Rosa Coppola was in the right place at the right time, and she saw the opportunity and took it. She offered him money, fueled his anger, and convinced him he needed to avenge his cousin’s death.”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance