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I rubbed some of the complementary lotion over my skin then left the still steamy bathroom.

I heard talking and waited for what I hoped was the person from room service to leave before I entered the main room. Francesco was alone and sat nursing a cup of espresso in one of the common room chairs.

“Here.” Francesco picked up a bag that sat on a small table next to him and handed it to me. I peeked inside and saw fresh clothes. “Two of our soldiers were still in town, so they were able to get those for you.”

I wanted to ask more questions, but I decided it was probably best I didn’t know where they had bought a bra and panties or how they knew my size. Some things were better left unsaid.

“Thank you.” I whisked away to get dressed and felt mildly better once I was cozy in the soft jeans and sweater.

On my way back out of the bedroom, I flipped over a magazine on the hall table. It was about the local nightlife, and I was puzzled to see where we were.

“We’re just outside of town? Why can’t we go to the Hill House?” I held up the magazine to him and pointed out our location.

“Piero just wants to make sure we don’t lure who ever that was to the house. Once it’s clear, we’ll be heading back.”

“All right.” That made sense.

“Everyone is fine, just some scrapes and one clean bullet hole. Niccola was lucky, and, knowing him, he’ll be back to work in a couple days.” He used a tiny spoon to stir his drink as he crossed his legs. “It was Elio who called. He’s fine. I told him where we are.” He wouldn’t look at me, and I wondered what was going through his head. “You should eat.”

“Yes, I should.”

I lifted the lid on theAllesso di Bollitoand felt my stomach grumble. I wasted no time collecting a napkin and settled myself at the table where I could face him.

Silence fell over us as he slipped off in thought, and I filled my body with some much-needed fuel.

“I’m sorry,” he finally said but still wouldn’t look at me. “I hope you understand why I did what I did.” I felt his pain deep in my chest, and it mingled with my own as it oozed through me. “She wasn’t always that way.” He cleared his throat as emotion flooded his expression. “But she was dealt an unfair hand in life.” He placed his espresso down on the table and folded his hands on his lap. “Sadly, she let her revenge against Piero for her brother’s death consume her, and no matter how many times I told her he wasn’t behind it, she just couldn’t see it. I knew the Coppolas had filled her head with nonsense when Antonio died. They preyed on her in her weakest moment. She was still the girl I fell so in love with, but when she pointed her gun at Elio and you, I just…” He paused and shifted in his suit jacket. “I took an oath to protect you and Elio until my time here on Earth is finished.”

I put my glass down and pushed my chair back from the table and sat on a footstool next to him.

“I don’t blame you, Francesco. Mama came there this morning knowing how it was going to end. She might have been driven by hate, but she knew she wouldn’t be walking away from this. You gave me a chance at life today, and it only proved who my real family is.” I covered his hand with mine. “You could have given me up, handed me off and never looked back, but instead you kept me close, pointed Elio in my direction, and have protected me ever since.”

He finally looked at me, and I almost cried at his expression. The worry and fear that I might never forgive him for what he’d done was written all over his face. I also knew he’d killed the love of his life so I could have a chance at mine.

“Blood means nothing to me, Francesco. It’s who fights for me that counts. That’s who family really is. “

“I took away the one person you looked for your entire life. Your mother.”

“It took me a while to see it, but I wasn’t looking for a parent. After all, that’s been here all along.” I squeezed his hand and felt a tear slip down my cheek. “What I’ve been looking for are answers. She wouldn’t even give me the answers I so desperately needed without making me work for every tidbit. Even then, she never gave me the whole truth.” I looked directly into his eyes. “Francesco, please, now that she’s gone and she’s not dictating our lives, would you be able to fill in the blanks?”

He hesitated but nodded. He knew I needed the whole truth. It was the only thing that could cure my fractured past.

“Okay.” I smiled and moved to settle into the seat across from him. Not wanting to push my luck too quickly, I started slow. “When you found out what the Di Vaio house was really like, did you and Elio go and pay Andrew a visit?”

“Yes, Elio and I both did.” His expression turned hard, and the lines around his eyes creased. “I thought I was leaving you in good hands when you were young. I was told you were going to be safe there. Little did I know that my contact was paid to look the other way when it came to the children of that house. I kept away. I couldn’t risk drawing too much attention to you, and I failed you.”

I nodded encouragingly, then I asked another question.

“So, you did send Elio to the pond that day?”

“Yes. He needed someone just as badly as you did. Though he had no idea why I sent him there. When I found out you were sneaking off the Di Vaio property, I knew I needed to find out what was going on. I didn’t know what was going to happen between you two, and honestly, I couldn’t be happier.”

“Okay.” I liked his answer, but I had more questions. “When I was living on the streets, did you have me watched?” He nodded. “Did they report back to you on things that were happening to me?”


Tears filled my eyes without warning.

“What about…” I cleared my throat. I needed to ask the one question that had haunted me for years. I just needed to know. “Was it me, or was it your guy that…you know…”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance