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“Mama.” Elio commanded our attention.

“I’ll set it up.” Andrea didn’t miss a beat and raced out of the room.

“Vinni, get Wyatt checked out with the doctor.”

“Yes, boss.”

“Sienna, it’s time to pack for our tour.”

“Now?” What was I missing? “I can’t leave Wyatt.”

“He’ll be fine, and I need you to help me finish this once and for all.”

I fumbled with the pack of cigarettes. The stupid packaging made it impossible to break into, or maybe it was just the fact that my hands were shaking. In one last desperate attempt, I used my teeth and tore the package open. Finally, I put the filter tip between my lips and lit the end. Drawing in a deep breath, I let the sweet smoke coat my lungs and settle my nerves. It had been sixteen years since I’d given in to the white devil stick, and at that very moment I couldn’t for the life of me wonder why I’d ever considered giving it up.

“I thought you said you were going to quit that shit.” Niccola shook his head in disappointment as he leaned over the railing of the patio. “What’s going on with you?”

“Mind your business, Nicco.” I couldn’t handle that he had the same annoying mannerisms of his father.

“Not until you tell me why you just blew up at Vinni,” he huffed.

I rolled my eyes and took a moment until I could feel a little of the old me returning. I needed to get myself back to who I really was. I used to be so good at dealing with whatever came my way. How did I become this boring stay-at-home housewife, with a husband who lived with his mistress, while I was left to raise the boys and deal with his mother?

“He was only making sure you were all right. Are you?” Niccola’s voice grated.

“Don’t I look fine?” I snapped.

“No, actually. You look the way you did when we were younger, and you promised those days were long gone. So, tell me what’s going on or—”

“Or what?” I turned to face my son straight on, and he shook his head at me. “You’ll kick your own mother out of her house? Toss my stuff in a bag and leave me to be homeless? Or better yet, make me live with that perfect witch Andrea and gag-worthy Piero?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

“Wow.” He took a step back and chuckled darkly. “Please, Mama, tell me how you really feel about our family.”

“Don’t,” I scoffed. “You’re telling me that family doesn’t make you want to poke your eyes out? Elio and the girl from the wrong side of the tracks playing dress-up, going on tour like they think they can make a difference in this heinous world?” I drew in another deep breath of poison, almost wishing it would be my last.

“No, Mama, I do not feel that way.” He said the words slowly as though to let them sink in. “In fact, I think Elio and Sienna are exactly what this world needs. They’re good people, and up until a few minutes ago, I thought you felt the same way.”

“Well…” I shrugged then saw his gaze move over my shoulder.

“You owe Vinni an apology,” he muttered, “so quit being a raging bitch and be the mother you claim to be.”

“Pardon me?” The nerve of him, but I kept my mouth shut as he stepped closer.

“You heard me.” He plucked the cigarette from my mouth and tossed it over the edge. “Grow up and get your head on straight.”

I leaned far out over the rail and let out a silent scream until I felt like all my blood had rushed to my head. I took a couple deep breaths, fixed my blouse, then went inside to do some damage control.

I found Vinni in the weight room. He was doing chin-ups, and by the looks of him, he was on his last rep. I moved to sit on the bench and waited for him to spot me. He took a few moments then carefully pulled out his earbuds as he purposely pretended not to see me.

I stood so he had to acknowledge me. “Can we talk?”

“You can,” he huffed, clearly annoyed with me.

“I know I said some things before that hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry. I’m dealing with a lot right now that isn’t sitting well with me, and I took it out on you.”

“Yeah, you did.” He started to lift some free weights. “It wasn’t the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”

“I’m trying to apologize here, Vin.”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance