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“Tell me what’s going through your head at this very moment.”

“What if they hate me?” I gave him the truth because Wyatt was the only person I didn’t have to prove anything to. “They love Elio—how could they not—but now I’m a woman with the blood of their enemy running through me, who has not only taken Elio off the market, but,” I took a deep breath and continued, “I also come from the wrong side of the tracks. They won’t be as accepting of me. To be truthful, if I was them, I’d feel the same way.”

“You’re right.” He folded his arms and rested his shoulder against a pillar. “Even though you did a fabulous job tonight, you’ll just have to show them who you really are.”


“Get out there, earn their trust. People are quick to judge what they don’t know but are less likely to cast judgement if you let them see that you have a great heart in there.” He tapped my chest.

“You think?”

“It worked for Princess Diana.”

“We’re not royalty.”

“Maybe not in the normal sense of the word, but you are dark royalty.” He chuckled. “Maybe you just need to off a few people in the street. All mafia-style like.”

“Maybe.” I laughed then covered my face, feeling overwhelmed.

“Look, you got this,” his tone was more serious now, “because you have Elio, who will be with you every step of the way. He proved that downstairs when he made sure everyone knew who you were to him. He said something about you, showed you around with kindness and humor, and, let’s be honest, you were born into this life.”

“I’m scared.” I hated to show weakness, but he would never use it against me.

“If you weren’t, I’d be worried.” He stood straight. “Look, stay here, take a minute. I’m going to get us something to drink and maybe something to eat. It’ll help.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, so incredibly thankful he was here tonight.

“Pasta? Wine? Or maybe just a heaping plate of carbs to get the blood pumping?”

“All of it.” I laughed.

He granted me a sexy smile then headed out the door. I heard Wyatt tell Vinni I needed a minute alone and he was off to get food. I loved that my best friend knew just want I needed.

I turned and went to the window. The castle grounds were peppered with lights and torches. It really did look like something out of a fairytale. A woman stepped out onto the cobblestone path with a phone to her ear. I made sure the curtain hid me from her view. Something about her pulled at my memory.

“Where do I know you from?” I said through my fingers as I tapped my lips. Oh! It was the woman I’d seen during the fire at the Coppola house. We’d run into one another, and I remembered she was stealing things. She’d known my name. I’d almost forgotten about her. Why was she here? If she was in the Coppola house, she must have a connection with them, so how was she even allowed on Capri land, let alone at this party?

I didn’t hear the door open, but I heard the floor creak. I didn’t turn, thinking it would be Wyatt. I continued to watch the woman, studying her features.

“Green is a good look on you.” I almost jumped out of my skin at that voice. I turned and found myself face to face with Mariano.


His once handsome face looked pale and gray. His cheeks were slightly sunken, and he looked like he’d lost about fifty pounds.

“Well, I guess congratulations are in order.” He snickered, eyeing me up and down. “Funny how I was the one who brought you here to date me, but somehow you’re now engaged to my partner.”

“You knew who I was. I know that now,” I snapped. I could feel my nerves creep into my throat like bile. “I was part of your sick plan from the very start.”

“You were supposed to be mine.”

“I was never yours.” I shook my head, and at the same time I wondered when he’d last taken drugs.

“And now you’re the Donna of the Coppolas.” He slowly moved about the room then stopped to pretend to admire a few items on the table. “I heard Rosa left you with quite the gift.” He peered over his shoulder at me. “A massive debt, a massive number of angry people, and a massive pile of rubble to clean up.” His self-satisfied smile made me angry.

“Seems that way.” I kept a good distance between us and eyed different things around the room that I could possibly use to hit him with if I needed to.

“Wait until Salvo hears about your engagement. He’ll be so heartbroken.” He let out a dark laugh. “I heard you two’d become close.”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance