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“Are you okay?” Mariano sat across from me in the town car that had just pulled up in front of the hotel.

“Yes,” I whispered. I only wished I could back up time and unsee what I had witnessed.

“Because you haven’t moved in the past ten minutes.”

I thought I nodded, and Mariano pushed a button and muttered something to the driver. I couldn’t make out what he said because of the dense fog that had set up camp in my head.

“What was it you were going to show me at the dockyard, anyway?”

“Just a spectacular view of the property…” He brushed me off and went back to his phone as I went back to my foggy state.

It wasn’t until the car stopped and the driver opened the door and got out that I allowed my senses to take in what was happening. Mariano got out of the car, and soon a hand reached inside for mine. I gratefully took it and stepped out, only to find that instead of Mariano’s hand, it was the driver who assisted me. Mariano was already walking up the steps to a house.

“Where are we?” I whispered to the driver, who seemed confused.

“This is Mr. DeSimone’s house, miss. He thought you might be more comfortable here.”

“What?” I shook my head, trying to keep up. “Why here? I don’t even have my things.”

“A second car is on its way now with your belongings. It shouldn’t be long, miss.” He smiled warmly and nodded for me to follow Mariano inside.

I walked up the steps and hesitated at the door then turned to scan the area around me. I spotted the lights of a house up a huge hill to the left. I could imagine the view they must have from up there, a good three-hundred-and-sixty-degrees that would take in this house and the surrounding area. It was an impressive looking place. It was too dark to see much more, so with a heavy chest, I stepped inside.

“Mariano?” I called into the dark entryway.

“Come in.” His voiced carried from somewhere. The uncomfortable feeling that swept over me earlier this evening returned, and I fought the need to leave.

“I was beginning to think you walked home.” He was still in his jacket and shoes as he sat on a stool rather than the comfy looking couch.

“Why am I here?” I blurted.

“You are upset. I didn’t want you to be alone in a hotel. I thought maybe you’d like to come here.”

I wanted to point out that he could have asked or at least he could act a little more inviting, because standing in his living room right now felt more uncomfortable than my hotel room. I was cold and uncertain about the whole evening.

“Here.” He set a clear drink down on the table. “Drink that.”

I slowly perched on the edge of the couch and took a sip of the drink. My throat burned, and my eyes teared a little as the vodka slipped past my tongue, but I went with it because I seriously needed a little help with my head right now.

“See,” he smiled, “better already.”

“Mmm.” I shook myself. This wasn’t exactly better.

“The guys should be back with your belongings soon. Would you like to stay up for a bit, or would you just like to go get some rest?”

My hand gave away my nervousness by tipping the glass over as I set it down. “Why don’t you show me around first?” I tried to recover.

“All right.” He jumped to his feet and motioned for me to follow along.

“Living room.” His finger twirled in a circle to indicate the room we were already in, and then he quickly moved down the hallway and kept talking. “Kitchen is over there.” He pointed to his left. “Bedrooms up there, and downstairs is an entertainment room.”

Well, that was a fun tour.

“And,” he pushed open a huge door and stepped outside, “this is where I spend as much time as I can.” He beamed back at me as I took in what he was referring to.

A small pool, a hot tub, and a full-on functional outdoor kitchen completed a lovely back yard.

“Do you want to swim?”

Tags: J.L. Drake Quiet Mafia Romance