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Everyone stayed for dinner, but we skipped the beer. I’d been doing enough drinking to actually contemplate whether I had a problem, so backing off seemed to be the right thing to do.

It’d been a good day. Best day I’d had in a while. And it was because I’d stopped thinking about myself. I’d put my kid first, working toward something for the life we’d have together. A week of wallowing was enough. More than enough.

A week of silence from Michaela was more than enough too.

I grabbed my phone, went into the nursery—holy shit, I officially had a nursery in my apartment—snapped a couple pictures, and sent them to her.

Think the baby will like this color?

To my surprise, she replied back pretty quickly.

Michaela:You painted?!

Me:Hey. Yeah, everyone helped. I figure the fumes will be gone by the time he or she is ready to stay here. How are you?

Michaela:Tired and ready to be home. But I’m okay. Baby’s kicking and moving any time I’m still.

Needing more of a connection, I called her. She surprised me again by answering.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey. Sorry, I know you didn’t want to talk until you got back, but—”

“It’s fine. I’ve cooled off since then. I wouldn’t have answered if I didn’t want to hear your voice.”

I sighed, unsure of what to say now that I had her on the phone. “I messed up in a way I’m not sure I can ever make up for.”

“You did. You really did. What happened?”

“I’m surprised Yael didn’t tell you.”

Michaela made a sound that resembled a giggle. “She said she slapped the shit out of you.”

“True. Murray had to hold her back.”

“That made me feel somewhat better.”

I chuckled. “Think it made Yael feel better too. I’m pretty sure I still have her handprint between my shoulder blades.”

“I don’t condone violence, but in this case…”

“It was deserved.” I sat down in the middle of the empty, yellow nursery. “Are you scared?”

“Terrified. But I’ve been doing pretty well focusing on work. It’s these quiet nights that are killer, which is probably why I answered when you called. I’m getting tired of my own thoughts.” She cleared her throat. “Are you scared?”



A surprised laugh burst out of me. “Good?”

“I don’t want to be the only one out here in limbo.”

That sobered me again. “Nope. I’m right there with you, Mic.”

“At least there’s that.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance