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My head was splitting in half, and someone had to be doing construction nearby, hammering relentlessly. In the distance, Murray’s voice broke through the pain in my skull.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he mumbled.

“Get out of my way, Alex. Where the hell is my asshole brother?” What the hell was Yael doing here, and why was she screaming?

“Calm down, cool girl. He got shitfaced and passed out on my couch.”

I cracked an eye open in time to see her shove Murray back a step. “Don’t you dare, Alex Murray. Don’t you dare.”

He held up both hands. “Whoa. What the hell? What did I do?”

“You exist,” she hissed, “and I’m sure you had something to do with him getting loaded out of his mind.”

“I just woke up. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m begging you to lower your voice, though. Please.”

As an experiment, I raised my head to see if I was capable, but nope. Not happening. A railroad spike drove through my temple. I covered my head with a pillow, but it was quickly yanked off and thrown across the room.

“You little shit,” Yael gritted. “I am so fucking ashamed of you, Moses.”

That had me opening my eyes again, confused. First, I became aware I was in Murray’s apartment, in his living room. Next, I saw my black phone on the floor, out of juice.

Yael’s palm came down hard on the middle of my back, the slap ringing out in the quiet apartment. “Get up, get up, get up!” She raised her hand again, but Murray caught her wrist for long enough for me to sit up and scoot away.

“Yael, stop. You gotta stop.” Murray struggled to hold her back. She writhed in his arms, murder in her eyes. “Just tell us what’s got you so upset. We can’t make it better until you do.”

“What day is it, Moses?”

Rubbing my face, I racked my sore brain. “Monday?”

“Ding, ding, ding—you got it right on the first try.” She pushed Murray’s hands off her and stalked toward me. “Do you know what time it is?”

“No, phone died. It’s gotta be early, though. I feel like I just fell asleep.”

She blinked at me, her cheeks flushed with more fury than I’d ever seen on her.

“It’s eleven a.m. Does Monday at eight a.m. mean anything to you? Does that ring any bells in your hollow head?”

It took a second before horror fell over me like a curtain after a show. And it might as well have been, because my show was fucking over.

“No,” I groaned.

She nodded, her nostrils flaring. “Oh, yes. I would slap you in the face if I didn’t think your buddyMurraywould put his hands all over me again.”

“Jesus, Yael.” Murray shoved his hands through his hair. “Anyone gonna clue me in?”

Yael lifted a brow. “Moses, want to tell Alex what a monumental fuckup you are? Then maybe he won’t hold me back.”

“I missed the ultrasound.” My throat was so tight, I barely squeezed the words out. “She’s never gonna talk to me again.”

“What? You didn’t tell me…” Murray groaned and walked a few steps away before turning back and shaking his head at me. “I would’ve had you tucked in bed early last night. You should’ve told me, man.”

I leaped off the couch, phone in hand. The room tilted, and my stomach protested, but I willed it away. “Where’s your charger?” I asked Murray.

He jerked his thumb toward the kitchen. “On the counter.”

Yael followed me, watching me plug in my dead phone. “Don’t call her.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance