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Michaela’s eyes were drooping and her body had gone limp. She was so tired, when I pulled her onto my lap, she barely registered a protest.

Murray strummed his guitar, playing one of the folksy songs he was so fond of. No wonder Michaela was falling asleep. There were only a few people left, singing along to Murray’s bullshit music.

“I should go,” Michaela mumbled.

“Nope. You can’t drive home tired. Not safe.”

“Okay.” Her head lolled on my chest, and she gave up the ghost, sighing contently as she fell asleep.

Yael smirked at me from her spot on the couch. “You look like you’re in heaven.”

“I can’t think of anything much better than this,” I said.

That night in Vegas was the exception. But having her like this, sober, willing, comfortable enough with me to nod off while I was still awake…this was pretty damn great too.

“I like seeing the two of you together.” She rested her head on her hand. “I almost killed that cunt earlier.”

I huffed a laugh, careful not to move too much and wake Michaela. “The hair pulling was a little much, but thank you.”

“I think the hair pulling was just right. I can’t believe you ever went there with Shayla.” She shuddered.

“My taste in women has gone through a drastic improvement recently. Too bad I’ve been friend-zoned by my own goddamn wife.”

Yael’s eyes darted from Michaela curled in my lap to mine. “Yep. Looks super friendly.”

“She’s unconscious.”

“She wasn’t when she chose to sit on your lap. I don’t think you’re completely out of the running. I’d keep staying steady.”

My hand curved over her abdomen, a surge of possession rushing through me. “Don’t have much choice.”

“Why marriage, though?” she asked.

Murray’s eyes flicked up from his guitar. “Come on, cool girl. Not now,” he murmured.

She flung dirt at him with her eyes. “I’m positive you’re wondering the same thing.”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I always said I’d do it once. Didn’t think I’d find the person I’d want to marry so soon. But shit, this is it. I don’t see the point in letting her divorce me, then dating her for a while until she’s convinced I’m worthy. She may never get there, not sober and out of that Vegas haze.”

Yael crossed her legs and leaned closer. No one else was paying us any attention at this point. The few people who were still around had broken off into their own conversations.

“You want to stay married because you’re afraid if you don’t, she won’t choose to be with you?” she asked.

“That’s part of it, yeah. But I look at her and see my wife. It’s this crazy sureness that came over me and hasn’t gone away.”

My sister studied the woman sleeping in my lap for a long time. “ have to do the right thing for the baby, no matter what happens with Michaela, you know? Don’t be like our parents and put the kid in the middle. Promise me, okay?”

“That’s never gonna be me.”

She nodded once. “I know it won’t be. I’ll kick your ass if I see you slipping.”

I chuckled under my breath, thinking of Ansel’s threats. “You might have to wait in line.”

I woke up with a warm, squirming woman half on top of me, my arms circling around her automatically.

“I have to pee, but you’re so comfortable,” Michaela slurred, like she was drunk.

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance