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Turned out, finding out my wife couldn’t remember our wedding did nothing to lessen the simmering anger that had been building inside me for months. The direction it was pointed in changed, but it was still there, along with a feeling of helplessness. I was swinging out here on this limb alone while Michaela offered me a thin rope of friendship.

That night had flipped a switch in me I hadn’t even known existed, and now a light shined on my loneliness and the emptiness of my life. That wasn’t Michaela’s doing at all, but I walked away from our wedding thinking I’d have her by my side, helping me fill those deep, echoey places.

It was selfish, but that was a habit I’d have to learn to break. Being told “yes” for years on end had gotten into my head. Michaela telling me “no” was hard to hear. No memory, no marriage, no kissing, noyou.

Another week of near radio silence hadn’t helped matters. I’d checked in with her daily, asking how she was, if she needed anything. Her replies had been short and curt. Finally, I called her on it.

Me:How are we supposed to become friends if you won’t talk to me?

Michaela:That is a good question, and one I don’t have an answer to. I’ll try to do better.

Me:Will you?



Michaela:LOL...brb, you made me laugh so hard, I have to pee.

Me:You know you can just take your phone with you. You don’t even have to tell anyone you’re going to the bathroom.

Michaela:I didn’t really have to pee. It’s called hyperbole, Moses. Exaggeration for the point of comedy. Want to see a picture of my belly?

Me:What? Yes! Always yes. Don’t even ask.

*picture attached*

I opened the attachment and stared in awe. Michaela had taken a picture of her profile in her bathroom mirror. She wore shorts and a tank top lifted up to reveal the sexiest little stomach I’d ever seen.

Me:Jesus, baby. You’re hot.

Michaela:I was showing you my bump, not trying to sext you!

Me:Didn’t work. I’m going to do dirty shit with this picture.

Michaela:Don’t tell me that! I’ll never send you another one again.

Me:Let me come over and ogle you in person.

Michaela:When you put it that way, why wouldn’t I invite you over?

Me:Come on, buddy. Be a pal and invite me over.

Michaela:There’s a sweet spot in the afternoon when all the kids are at summer camp and Logan is taking a nap. It occurs between 12 and 3. I usually float in the pool during that time.

I checked the time. Eleven. I could haul my ass out of the city and be there right on time.

Me:Oh, that’s fascinating information. Okay. Bye, Michaela. Talk to you tomorrow.

Michaela:*wink* See you, Moses!

I made it to the ’burbs in slightly less than an hour. Bypassing the front door, I followed the path around the side of the house and out into the back yard. It was quiet out here, except for the subtle sound of splashing.

Michaela left the fence open, and I found her floating on a foam raft in the middle of the pool. She raised her sunglasses to her forehead and feigned surprise.

“What are you doing here?”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance