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Yael and I passed the joint back and forth until there was no possible harshing of either of our mellows. Murray got out one of my guitars and played us some music.

“Have you been writing any new material?” he asked.

“Nah, not really. I’m waiting for Santi to get back. He takes my random words and makes them make sense.”

He tapped his fingers on the guitar. “We should jam anyway. It’s been too long. All I do is ride my board and fuck around. I need direction.”

I chuckled. “I’m right there with you.”

“You guys should write a song together about your epic bromance,” Yael said as she rubbed her hand down her face.

Murray shook his head. “You’re quite the pair.” He got up and tucked his board under his arm. “I’m gonna head out. Want to come?”

For a second, I was tempted, but I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds. There was no way I was dragging my body off this couch. “Next time. Have fun.”

He jerked his chin. “Cheer up, Moses. Bye, cool girl.”

Yael’s middle finger was lethargic, but she got it up. “Bye, Alex.” Everyone called Alex Murray by his last name—except Yael. She never had told me why she wouldn’t. And she never would. She did things her way and never felt the need to explain herself.

“Should we watch something stupid and eat Doritos?” she asked.

Closing my eyes, I let myself smile. “Yeah. Haven’t had a better offer in years.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Unrequited Romance