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Desire, sweet and pure, filled every cell of her being, but when he broke the kiss to nibble a path down the column of her throat, the building passion sent waves of delicious sensation coursing throughout her body. Her insides quivered and a soft moan escaped her lips as the heat flowed through her and began to gather in the pit of her stomach.

“Tell me to stop, Fin. Tell me to get the hell away from you before this goes any further,” he said, his voice raspy with the same need overtaking her.

“I don’t think…I can,” she answered honestly.

His deep chuckle caused her to shiver with longing. “Then we may be in a heap of trouble, sweetheart, because I’m not sure I have enough strength to do the gentlemanly thing and leave on my own.”

“You’re right. We have a big problem, because I’m not sure I want you to be noble,” she said before she could stop herself.

His chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. “I haven’t been able to forget that night back in October when you visited the ranch.”

“I haven’t, either.”

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but I want you even more now than I did then.”

Her breath caught and her heart skipped a beat when he slid his large hand along her ribs to the underside of her breast. “Th-this is insane.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” he said as he cupped the soft mound through the layers of her clothing.

“I’m not good…at relationships,” she reminded him when he began to trace slows circles over the tip of her sensitive breast.

“Like I told you earlier, I’m not looking for one,” he said, his lips caressing the side of her neck as he spoke. “But I know what it’s like to make love to you and I’d like to do it again.”

“No strings attached?”

He nodded. “We’ve already opened that corral gate and the horse got out. I can’t see the harm in having one last time together.”

Resting her head against his shoulder, Fin did her best to remember all of the complications that being with this man could cause. But for the life of her, she couldn’t think of a single one at the moment. And if she were perfectly honest with herself, she didn’t even want to.

Before she could change her mind, she pulled from his arms, stood up and held out her hand. When he placed his callused palm on hers and rose to his feet, the look in his incredible blue eyes promised forbidden ecstasy and dark pleasure.

“One last night,” she said as she led him into her bedroom and closed the door.

Chapter 3

Fin’s heart raced and her knees had started to tremble, but calling a halt to what she and Travis were about to do wasn’t a consideration. She felt as if she would burn to a cinder if she didn’t once again feel the tenderness of his touch and experience the power of his passion.

“I know this is going to sound like I’ve lost my mind, but I have to know,” he said, his voice low and intimate as he turned her to face him. “Are you sure about this, Fin?”

Just like everyone else, there had been several instances in her life when she’d been uncertain about her decisions. But this wasn’t one of them.

“If we don’t make love, I think I’ll go up in flames, Travis.”

“No regrets tomorrow?”

“Maybe.” She caught her lower lip between her teeth to keep it from trembling a moment before she shook her head. “But not about you or our lovemaking.”

She knew he was confused by her answer, but she wasn’t sure how to explain what she didn’t fully understand herself. How could she put into words that if she had any misgivings at all about what they were about to share, it wouldn’t be about him or their night together? It was her inability to share more of herself than just her body that saddened her.

But she’d made a decision the day her father had forced her to give up her daughter. She’d vowed to concentrate on building a career that no one could take away from her. Very few men wanted to take a backseat to a woman’s commitment to her work, let alone accept it and understand why she was so driven to succeed.

Of course, with Travis it was a moot point. He wasn’t looking for a relationship any more than she was, nor did he have any expectations that they would ever have anything more than this one night together. Still, it seemed rather sad to think of all that she’d had to sacrifice in order to ensure her success.

Reaching up, she smoothed the lines creasing his forehead with the tip of her index finger. “Rest assured, I don’t regret that night at your ranch, nor will I regret making love with you tonight.”

Tags: Kathie Denosky Billionaire Romance