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He got up, but instead of leaving, he walked around the perimeter of the bed, scowling at everything he saw or didn’t see, then turned to me. “Where are all your clothes? All your poofy dresses and shoes?”

“That isn’t your business.”

He approached me, leveling me with a glare that was downright accusing. “Where are your clothes, Adelaide?”

I clamped my lips shut. Adam’s chest rumbled. He clutched my shoulders, giving me a gentle shake.

“Where the hell are your clothes?”

“I sold them, okay?” Ducking out of his hold, I retreated to the living room, but it wasn’t far enough. Adam was on me again in an instant, reeling me in by my back belt loop.

“Why would you sell your clothes?”

I squirmed, but one of his hands flattened on my belly, and the other was iron around my chest. I tipped my head to the side to give him a heated glare.

“None of your damn business. Stop touching me and leave.”

“Answer me and I’ll think about it.” He pressed his face to the side of mine. Despite the fact that he should have smelled like a distillery, the only scent hitting my nose was pure Adam.

“Go away.” Even to my own ears, I sounded weak.

“No. Tell me where your clothes are.”

“I sold them.”

“Why would you do that? You loved your clothes. Your fluffy dresses and party shoes. Why the hell would you sell your clothes?”

He rubbed his cheek against mine, and I…just…gave up. I needed him to get away from me before I gave up everything.

“I needed the money.”

He went so still, I could feel his heart beating through his chest pressed to my back.


“To move.”


“To be free.”

His head fell forward onto my shoulder. “Adelaide,” he croaked. “What happened, baby?”

I stood there, unwilling to tell him anything else. Not now. Not after my father had stormed in and said the ugliest things to me anyone had ever said in my life.

Your mother would be ashamed of what you’ve become.

A broken mewl fell from my lips before I could stop it. Adam groaned against my neck, clutching me even tighter.

“Baby, I can’t stand this. I’ve been going crazy, needing to know where you were. Now that I do, I feel just as lost. You have to talk to me,” Adam pleaded.

“I will.” I sucked in a breath. “I will, but not now. I have to go to work. Once I wrap my head around what just happened, I’ll call you.”

As soon as his arms loosened, I broke free and headed for the door. He followed me like my shadow, shoving his feet into his boots while I put on my Pumas and grabbed my phone and purse. He stood on my rainbow mat while I locked my door, grumbling the entire time.

“This isn’t safe,” he said.

“It’s fine.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance