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It took every ounce ofmy strength not to melt into a puddle on the floor. The party was flowing, as were the drinks and good times, but I was stuck in the moment when my lips decided they were going to be rebellious and land themselves on Adam.

The only saving grace of the entire disaster was he’d seemed fine with it. It had rolled off his back like it was nothing. It didn’t matter that I was on the verge of spontaneous combustion or self-immolation. As long as Adam was under the impression it had been nothing more than a kiss gone rogue and not a slip of my unrequited love, I was golden.

He was leaving in less than forty-eight hours. I’d have two months to get over him. Two months of solid time away from Adam Wainwright and his all-encompassing hugs, his ocean-blue eyes, his laugh, his smile, his…his…just all of him. All of him needed to leave this damn country so I could get ahold of myself and my wayward lips.

For now, I was hanging out—some might’ve called it hiding—in the kitchen with June. Iris had brought her, but she wasn’t much of a party girl. I normally was, but not tonight. Not with Adam out there, holding court with his friends, all happy and high on life and weed.

“Is Diego going to be on tour with Unrequited again?” I asked June.

“Yes.” She tucked her thick, dark hair behind her ear, then let it fall forward again. “It doesn’t matter, though.”

I raised my drink to my lips. “Because you won’t speak to him?”

She shrugged. “He doesn’t remember me. It’s okay. He wouldn’t be interested in speaking to me anyway.”

“Why would you even think that?”

“I’m just…me, you know? And he’s Diego Garza. He’s incredible.”

“You’reincredible.” She scoffed. Her inability to see how sweet and lovely she was broke my heart for her. “I get it. I’m into someone who doesn’t see me. I mean, he sees me, but not that way, and it’s making me doubt myself.”

“Oh.” June brushed the back of her hand over her cheek. “You mean Adam?”

I slammed my cup down on the counter. “What?”

Her face flamed. “I mean, it’s not—”

“Why would you say his name?” I screeched quietly so no one else would hear us. Or me…since I was the only one screeching.

Her eyes widened in panic. “What? It’s just…I’m wrong. I’m sure I’m wrong. I’m sorry. I just see the way you look at him and—”

I fell into her, wrapping my arms around her. My chin was trembling so hard, I couldn’t really speak, but I needed to hug her.

“Oh,” she squeaked, hugging me back. “I guess I’m not wrong.”

“You’re not wrong,” I whispered. “I haven’t told anyone. I’m trying so hard to get over it.”

“Why?” she whispered back.

I rested my shaking chin on top of her head. “He only wants friendship. He’s not over his ex-girlfriend. I’m not his type. Take your pick. So many reasons, June.”

“I don’t see how you aren’t someone’s type. You’re my type and I’m not into girls.”

Snorting a laugh, I let her go. “Thank you for guessing. I don’t know why, but I’m kind of relieved someone else knows.”

“You’re the only one who knows about Diego.”

For the first time since my kiss slip, I smiled. “Then we’ll keep each other’s secrets.”

“What secrets? Who’s got secrets?” Adam appeared out of nowhere, Rodrigo under his arm, a shot glass in his hand.

“If we told you, it wouldn’t be a secret,” I quipped. June pressed a hand to my back. It was a comfort to have her there, to not feel like I was going crazy with all these massive feelings I had to keep inside. “Hey, Roddy.”

He snuck out from under Adam’s arm and gave me and June a quick hug. “What are you two doing in here? Hiding?”

Adam’s nose twitched. “Hiding secrets.” He shook his finger at me in a way he’d only do if he was high or drunk. Or, in this case, both. “Baddie’s been hiding from me for a long time. Never telling me anything. But I’m gonna find out. I’m gonna uncover your secrets.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance