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“She told you about it. Not me.” I really needed to shut my mouth.

“Right.” He rubbed the pinch of his brow. “She was there in the VIP section. She wanted selfies, and I was toasted, so I said okay. Chick posted my mug on Insta and it got picked up by some press outlets. So, my publicist is like who’s this girl? What do we need to know?”

“What’d you say?” I asked carefully.

His face scrunched. “What the hell do you think I said? She’s an acquaintance I happened to run into over the weekend.” He threw out his hand. “All we did was talk about you. I don’t know the first thing about that chick.”

That took me aback. “You talked about me?”

“Of course I did. She wanted to know why you weren’t with us, so I had to brag about my beautiful model friend who was too sleepy from her glamorous modeling career to put on her dancing shoes. Natalie thinks you’re sweet. She told me. And we Googled you. Baddie, do you know the kind of pics of you available on the World Wide Web? I saw almost your entire tit.”

“But you didn’t see the whole thing.”

I couldn’t bring myself to let it sink in that he’d spent his Saturday nightclubbing talking about me. If I did, I might have made it bigger than it was. So, I kept it at the surface and pushed, pushed, pushed it away.

He snapped his fingers. “I wish. Anyway, it was like a fifteen-minute interaction and now I’ve gotta deal with answering questions. It’s annoying, but it is what it is. The nature of the beast.”

His description of their interaction rang a lot truer than Natalie’s. I decided to believe him. He had no reason to lie. Plus, he had no idea I was already aware of their hangout sesh—or that I’d seen the pictures.

“Sorry my coworker is so annoying.”

He cocked his head. “Nah, she’s cool. I could’ve done without the Insta post, but I didn’t mind spending part of my night talking about my best girl.”

I liked him a little less when he described Natalie as cool, but liking Adam less was the goal, so that was a good thing.

Then he’d called me his best girl.

And now, our feet were touching. His ankle was locked against mine, bone slotting into bone like pieces of different puzzles that by some strange circumstance happened to fit perfectly.

“You never show me your skin. Never give me a taste.”

Adam was eyeing me as he stroked himself. His sweats were down around his hips, shirt rucked up under his chin. Abs for days, with dark hair making a line down the middle. His nipples, small and the darkest pink, were beaded tight in the cool air of my apartment. I wondered if he liked them licked, sucked, touched. Saliva pooled in my mouth as my hips rose under my touch.

“That’s not for you,” I tell him.

“Only for the men looking at your tits on Google?” He made a rough jerk, his hips rising to follow his hand.

“Yeah, Adam. Only for them.” I didn’t like what he was saying. I had no ideawhyhe was saying it. I knew he wasn’t jealous. He’d have to want me to be jealous.

“Should I take out my phone, Adelaide? Look at your pretty tits on my screen to make me come?”

“If that’s what you need.” I stuffed my fingers inside myself, pulsing around the intrusion. “You need to see the fake version of me to get off? The real, live woman in front of you, who's watching you do dirty things to yourself, isn’t enough?”

“Fuck,” he gritted, clamping down on his bottom lip. “Give me more of that filthy mouth.”

“What if I took pictures of you? I could show everyone how you like to get off. It would be so wrong.Everyonewould see. They’d watch you make a mess of yourself, coming all over your stomach.”

“I could come all over your stomach. People would like seeing that more. My cum on your pretty skin…god, the world would stop turning if we let them see.”

My inner muscles throbbed around my fingers. A deep moan fell from my lips. He’d never done that. Had never asked to do it. But now that I had the image in my mind, I needed it more than breathing. Without another thought, I yanked my shirt up, exposing my abdomen.

“Do it. Let me see it. Let me feel it.”

Adam hesitated a beat, but only a beat, then he was over me, his knees pressing against my ass, my legs shoved to the side.

He stroked himself while his eyes roamed over me. I’d never shown him this much of me, not even when he’d tied me up. Now, he could see me from my hips to the bottom curve of my breasts, and he was taking in every inch, eating me up with his eyes.

I was barely touching myself, and I was teetering on the edge. I wanted to come with him, but this might be the only time we did this, and I refused to miss a second of it blinded by my own pleasure.

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance