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“He’s amazing,” she said softly. “I nannied for Mo, the lead singer, a few years ago.”

“And you met Diego?”

“Mmhmm.” Her eyes went distant at the memory. She was so,socute.

We stayed through half of Unrequited’s set, because once we saw Diego, we had to stay for Maeve too.

Diego was unnaturally handsome, with black hair and thick scruff. He hit the drums with fury powering his muscles. June gnawed on her bottom lip and pressed her hands together under her chin. I wasn’t sure she even breathed the entire time he was on stage.

Maeve looked like an ultra-curvy Snow White, but when she sat behind her kit, her sticks in her hand, she was pure rock. Where Diego had fury, Maeve had passion.

They were both incredibly talented, but the hearts in my eyes were for Maeve freakin’ O’Day all the way.

We ducked backstage after a few more songs, weaving through the crowded halls. Diego Garza was walking toward us, a few people surrounding him. His brow was pinched, his eyes focused, surveying his surroundings.

June raised her hand, and he looked right at her, then averted his gaze and kept walking without acknowledging her in any way.

She slumped beside me. “I guess he doesn’t remember me.”

“If he doesn’t, then he’s really stupid. You’re extremely memorable.”

By the time we got to The Seasons Change’s greenroom, there was a line down the length of the hall. June and I had special passes, but we had to wait while security checked us out.

A girl in tiny jean shorts, a crop top, and motorcycle boots sidled up beside me. She was all boobs and hips and thighs, with a dusting of freckles across her button nose that seemed incongruous with all the rest.

“Who are you here for?” she asked.

Startled at her question, I answered honestly before I could think better of it. “Oh. Adam Wainwright.”

Her pouty lips spread into a smirk. “Me too. I hope he remembers me. The last time TSC was in Austin, we had a lot of fun.”

I couldn’t help myself. “Oh, really? What kind of fun?”

She let out a raspy giggle. “Let’s just say, Adam lives up to his reputation. When he took me to the tour bus, I thought we were going to a bunk, but no, it happened right there, against the bus, where everyone could see. It was…” She shuddered. “The best night of my life is what it was. I’m hoping for a repeat.”

“Good luck,” I choked out.

Maybe shewouldbe getting lucky tonight. God knew she was Adam’s type, and he’d clearly lost his mind the last time he had her. I wondered if I should just go, get out of his way so he could do his thing. The last thing I wanted was to be a cockblock.

Security waved June and me into the greenroom before I could make a decision. It wasn’t as crowded as I had expected, but there were plenty of people milling about. Iris was taking pictures. Callum was nowhere in sight—probably with his family. Rodrigo looked to be in lively conversation with a few reporters. And Adam…Adam was wearing a path in the carpet, tapping on his phone, a deep frown pulling at his mouth.

June broke off from me and went to Iris. I found myself unable to move. I was watching Adam go out of his mind across the room. Tugging his hair. Cursing at his phone. Pacing back and forth like a crazed animal in the zoo.

“Adam.” It came out softer than intended, but he heard me. His head jerked up. As soon as he spotted me, he ate the distance between us, taking my shoulders in his hands.

“Where the fuck were you?” he gritted out.

My eyes widened at his reaction. “I stayed with June to watch Unrequited—”

“Fuck.” He exhaled, hot and heavy. “I thought you left. I thought something happened. I-I texted you. You didn’t respond.”

“I couldn’t hear my phone.” My fingers circled his tense arms. “Adam, I’m here. I wouldn’t leave. I was just watching the show. I’m sorry you were worried. I thought you’d be busy and didn’t think you’d notice.”

He brought his forehead to mine. “How could I not notice?”

“I don’t know.”

Straightening, he took my hand in his. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance