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He stared at me with narrowed eyes as he walked backward toward the stage. I caught my lip between my teeth, holding back a laugh at his suspicious look.

I threw my arms out. “I’m not going anywhere!”

He finally believed me and went to the stage to do his thing with the band. Sound check was a quick process for them, less than forty-five minutes. I felt like I’d gone to work with him, like when I was little and would visit my dad at his office. Unlike then, watching Adam in his element made my blood thrum. He wasn’t just Adam, he was arock star. It was too easy to forget that when it was just the two of us.

As soon as he was done, Adam was back in my face, attaching me to his side again, taking me to the lounge with a buffet and bar for the bands. They were touring with Unrequited, who were absolutely incredible. Before I became loyal to Adam, thereby to TSC, Unrequited had been my favorite band. Now, they were my second favorite.

I leaned into Adam, my chin on his shoulder. “You’re opening for Unrequited, right?”

He pinched my hip. “You fucking menace. I’ve told you seven times we’re double headlining.”

“Oooh,” I teased. “Double headlining. Fancy.”

“Shut up.” He grinned so hard, his pretty eyes crinkled. “Want something to eat, Goodman?”

“Yep. Is there cow? I feel like I should be eating cow since I’m in Texas.”

He dragged me to the buffet, introducing me to every single person in the vicinity. To my surprise, they all knew who I was. Crew members, a stage manager, even the lead singer of Unrequited, Mo Aronson.

“God, you’re really obsessed with me, huh?” I quipped when we were by ourselves.

He gave me an indulgent smirk. “You’re always calling and texting. People want to know who’s blowing up my phone.”

“We both know that’s not true.”

“Yeah,” he said softly. “You gotta get better at answering me. Drives me crazy when you don’t.”

Adam held two plates in his big hand and scooped food for both of us. He pointed, and I nodded or shook my head.

“I’m no good on the phone. And if I’m being honest, talking to you when you’re gone only makes me miss you more.”

He frowned at me. “You’re saying you don’t want to talk while I’m gone? Out of sight, out of mind?”

“No. I don’t know. I’m just sharing why I’m shitty at answering your calls. You’re always busy or out anyway.” I slipped my plate from his hand and looked for a place to sit.

When I saw Unrequited’s drummer, Maeve freaking O’Day, casually eating a sandwich next to her bass-playing husband, Santiago Garza, I nearly imploded—especially when Iris plopped down with them, nibbling on a wedge of watermelon.

Adam chuckled, pressing his face into my hair. “Just people, remember?”

“You don’t understand, Adam.” My eyes flicked to his. “Iris, Maeve—they’re women in this business. I’d kill to be talented enough to work with them. It’s obviously a dream and only ever going to be a dream, but seeing them…”

I trailed off, finding a place to sit that wasn’t right beside musical idols. The irony that I was sittingwithone of my favorite musicians didn’t escape me.

Adam sat so close to me on the leather couch, his thigh was practically on top of mine. Neither of us made any effort to move. I didn’t think we were touchy-feely on a normal basis, but I guess a month apart had us latching on to each other, in need of affection. At least, I was.

I doubted Adam was short of affection or attention.

“You don’t think your dad will change his mind?” he asked.

“You’ve met my father. His word is law, and when his mind is made up, it’s made up.”

“Ever think about finding another job?”

I watched him take a massive bite of his hamburger. My nose twitched, and I sighed. “Only every day. But doing that would probably end my relationship with him. The repercussions of it are just…” I shook my head. “I’m not ready to think about that. I don’t know if I ever will be.”

Something that looked a lot like disappointment flashed across Adam’s face, but it was gone before I could grasp it.

“I think if you really wanted it, you’d go for it.” He wiped his mouth. “So, either you don’t want it or you’re not ready.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance