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He grabbed two handfuls of my ass and planted me over his cock so we were chest to chest. “You take care of me too. You just drive me crazy. I’m not going to be patient forever.”

“I know you won’t, but I appreciate you being patient with me now.” I nibbled his chin, followed by a kiss on his lips. “I really, really appreciate it.”

He exhaled through his nose, fingers toying with the curled ends of my hair. “Did you talk to your mom?”

“Yes, and no news.”

His brow went heavy over his dark eyes. “I don’t like that shit. They don’t take this seriously, do they?”

“Not really. They were more concerned with the growing meth problem than me. They only took action the last time when I woke up to Drew in my bedroom. That was after almost a year of him watching me and following me.”

And even then, he’d gotten a slap on the wrist and counseling. That and a restraining order were all he’d had to answer for a year of terror.

“Fuck.” He drew me closer, if that was possible.

“I’m not scared. Not right now.” I draped my arms around his shoulders. “How did studying go? I’m afraid to ask if you need help.”

He narrowed his eyes on me. “Any shit I said to you that first week gets thrown out. I was out of my head having you in my space.”

“It’s forgotten. Now, tell me about Krasinski. Is his class still as close to going through boot camp as I remember?”

Amir talked to me about his classes, the internship he was going to ask Dr. Krasinski to write him a recommendation for, the paper he was writing. I told him about the final paper I wrote for that class, the one I got a ninety on, the highest grade Krasinski had ever given on a final paper. He told me he was going to take me down, but I heard the pride behind his teasing.

For that space of time, I felt like a normal college girl, falling hard for her boyfriend. Her hot, caring, smart as hell boyfriend. Then he dropped me off at the dorm. I slinked out of his truck only when I was sure no one I knew was around to see, and it all came tumbling back.

Amir was still all those things, but he was also all the bad Helen and Elena would inevitably point out. But Amir and I were getting to a solid place where I could truly defend my choice to be with him if I needed to. I hoped it wouldn’t come to that. That my friends would accept my happiness at face value.

If they didn’t, I would fight, to keep Amir, but to keep them as well.

I just wasn’t confident I wouldn’t lose.

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance