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“Yes,” I yelled over the rain. “Yes, I’ll love you anyway. If you’ll love me for letting you walk into the rain.”

He barked a laugh, pulling me even more flush with him. “Just now?”

I nodded. “I was scared to say yes.”

“But you did it, mama. You were brave and you came to me.”

He dipped down, covering my mouth with his. I rose on my toes and grasped the collar of his T-shirt to bring him closer. Rivulets of rain ran down our faces, joining our kiss.

A thought occurred to me, and I pulled away, my eyes wide. “I have to tell you something.”

“What?” He tried for my mouth again, but I reared back. His eyes narrowed to slits. “Don’t keep those lips from me. Not after you said yes.”

I covered his mouth with my fingers. “I have to talk to you, baby. I need to tell you something.”

He nipped at my hand. “Like when you call me baby.”

“I know you do. But I have to tell you I met your mom…and I kind of told her off.”

Amir went still for a moment, then he threw his head back and laughed. The sound was so riotous and filled with joy, I smiled hard at him, even as tears joined the rain dripping down my cheeks.

His eyes finally met mine, and they were as bright as the rest of him. Bright, like midnight in the desert, when the sky’s so full of stars, it’s almost unreal. That was Amir. Dark on the surface, but so filled with light, it burst from him when it was least expected.

“I know, mama. I got the full report from Julien.” His grip slid to my ass. “Let me tell you, if I hadn’t already fallen for you, I would have then. That’s when I knew I could get you back. If you didn’t care, if you thought I was nothing more than a violent villain, you wouldn’t have stood up for me.”

“I’ll always stand up for you.”

He slowly shook his head. “Do you have any idea how good that feels?”

“I do, because I know you’ll do the same for me.”

“Hell yes I will. Never doubt that I’m gonna slay every one of your dragons.”

Just like that, I was brought back to our first night together, where he promised the same thing. We barely knew each other then, and I’d been his hostage, but he promised me anyway, and he’d meant it.

That was when my fear joined the rain, rolling off me and dripping to the ground. Why would I be afraid when this man had kept every single one of his promises to me?

“Thank you for the offer, Captor, but I’d rather we slay our dragons together.”

He grinned down at me. “I’m still Captor? After you’ve locked up my heart and soul?”

“Maybe we’ve captured each other.”

“Hell yes we have, mama.”

He hugged me close, running his beautiful hands over my ass, my face, my hair, and kissing me for a long, long time on the space just below my ear. Rising on my toes, I found the same place on him and kissed him there even longer.

“Heart and soul,” he whispered in his rough, lacquered voice.

We didn’t have aGomoment. What we had was so beyond a movie ending, because this was real. We wouldn’t walk off into the sunset. Not us.

No, we were going to walk off, hand in hand, captor and hostage, into the brightness of midnight.

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