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“Don’t worry about me. I don’t think you know your son very well if you believe, even for a minute, he would drag me anywhere. Amir is one of the smartest, most hardworking people I know. Above that, he’s protective of those he cares about.” I folded my arms over my chest. “You don’t know Amir, Dr. Abadir, and I feel sorry for you. Because you’re missing out.”

The muscle in her cheek twitched. “I know both of my sons. Do you wonder why I’m checking on my patient while Amir and Rahim are absent? It’s because my sons forced me from his room this afternoon.”

I took a step closer. “Doyouwonder why they wouldn’t want you anywhere near them? Could it be that you and their father neglected them for so much of their lives, all they had was each other? Is it possible you’re the one who is irredeemable?”

She scoffed. “I won’t dignify your remarks with a response. You’re a child. One day, when you mature, you’ll understand my point of view. I don’t owe my sons anything just because I gave birth to them. They are adults and capable of making their own way in the world.”

As she brushed by me to the door, I whispered, “They were children once.” Her footsteps stuttered, but she continued, practically leaping out the door and slamming it behind her.

I whipped around at the slow clap coming from Julien’s bed.

“You’re awake!” I’d been so distracted by meeting Amir’s mother, it hadn’t even registered that Julien’s breathing tube had been removed. He was still covered in wires and tubes, but he was breathing on his own.

“Yeah.” He sounded raspy and tired, but beautiful nevertheless.

I stood by his bed, taking his hand in mine. He squeezed me back, and I choked on a sob. Nothing had ever been more wonderful than Julien squeezing me back.

His mouth curved at the corners, giving me a lazy smile.

“You told her off,” he said.

My nose scrunched. Heat bloomed in my cheeks. “I probably shouldn’t have done that. It’s not my place. She just made me so mad.”

“You definitelyshouldhave done it. I’m just glad you did itaftershe worked her magic on my face.”

I sank into the chair beside his bed, looking him over. “I can’t believe you’re awake and I’m talking to you. How do you feel?”

“Like I got hit by a fucking truck.”

I sputtered a laugh. “That makes sense.”

“For real, they’re pumping me with drugs. I dread the day they cut me off. But, hey, I’m alive. Didn’t think that was going to happen.” His words were slurred and lethargic, but he’d never sounded more perfect to me.

“Because you were too busy being a hero to save yourself,” I said softly.

Marco had explained what had happened after the fight. Julien saw the truck coming, and instead of running, he pushed the injured, slower Amir out of the way and took the hit intended for him. César had come gunning for Amir as payback for the beating he’d been given. And somehow, miraculously, César’s neck had been broken when he’d crashed into a light pole after hitting Julien. It was strongly hinted that Reno had taken care of him, but Marco couldn’t confirm or deny that.

“I’m no hero, Princess Z. Amir would have done the same for me.”

“I believe that.” I lifted his hand and pressed it to my cheek. “God, I’m happy you’re awake. Did…everyone see you wake up?”

“Yeah. Amir and Marco were here. I got front-row seats to Amir evicting his uptight mama from my room too. I just pretended to nap so everyone felt free to be on their worst behavior.”

I snorted a laugh. “My grandma used to do that too. Then she’d yell at us later.”

“Smart grandma.”

“Yeah.” I couldn’t stop smiling at him. He looked terrible. Really, really bad, and I was right beside him in his worries about how he’d feel once they lowered his pain meds. But for now, I had to focus on the good. The beautiful eyes I was scared I’d never see again. The way he could make any situation lighthearted. His warm presence. The simple, vital fact that every breath he took was under his own will.

His gaze traveled over my features. “You got serious.”

“I’m really relieved you’re alive.”

He gave me the barest of nods. “Me too.”

“Where’s Marco, by the way?”

“He’s home. He told me you were coming. I told him to get his ass home to his bed. He looked like dog shit.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance