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There was shuffling, books slamming, Abby whining, then footsteps coming my way. Fast. Too fast for me to hide, so I didn’t. Theo charged toward me, and he didn’t look the least bit surprised to find me there. Without a word or pause, he grabbed my arm, dragging me with him.

He shoved me into the unisex bathroom, locked the door behind him, and pushed me into the wall. His mouth was on mine, his hands were tearing at my clothes, his steely length prodding my belly.


“No,” he barked. “I have to have this with you.”

Fisting my hair, he tugged my head back sharply and took my mouth, kissing me deep and hard. His tongue lashed mine, licking my taste, stealing my protests. And then my shorts were unbuttoned and his hand was between my legs, and I forgot to protest when the pad of his finger met my clit.

“Wet, baby,” he mumbled. “So wet, just how I need you.”

Then my shorts were gone. Theo pinned me to the wall with his hips, the tip of him nudging my entrance. A single heartbeat was all it took for us to go from two to one. He speared his cock deep into me. Once he had me where he wanted me, he took control of my body, how I moved on him, bouncing me up and down his length while driving into me with brutal force. My nails grappled on his shoulders. All I could do was hold on and let him take me.

He covered me with his body, his raging emotions, his mouth, his hands, all of him. I took all he gave, holding on, shutting my brain off, solely focusing on the pleasure between my thighs. If I focused on anything else, likewhythis was happening, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. So I pushed it all aside, keeping only Theo.

And he gave it to me. Even though he was out of his mind, barely there, he took care of me, rubbing my clit in a perfect rhythm that made my legs tremble and my belly quiver. He shoved my shirt under my chin, took my nipple between his lips, and sucked deep, groaning around my flesh. My head fell against the tile. Anguished moans escaped my throat, echoing around the small room.

My climax spurred Theo on even more. He pounded into me so rough, I couldn’t take a full breath. I knew I’d feel where he’d been and what he’d done tomorrow. He gripped my ass with bruising strength, digging his fingertips in.

I hated and loved the way he handled me in equal measures. I wanted him to stop and for this to never end. This was wrong. And so right. When he buried himself all the way to the deepest part of me, the twin tears trailing down my cheeks were mourning the end and crying out that this ever began.

Theo was breathing heavily. He shoved his face into my neck, kissing my throat like feathers.

And that was when I woke up from my sex-addled stupor. That dose of sweet pissed me off. I slapped him on the chest, then I shoved him hard. Of course, the only movement that got me was him lifting his head to give me a confused look.

“Put me down right fucking now, Theo,” I growled.

He walked me to the counter next to the sink and plopped me on it, but he did not back away, nor did he disengage our bodies. His cock was still sunk deep inside me. He held me tight, so I had no hope of kicking him out of my body.

“What just changed?” he demanded. “One second, we’re both here, breathing hard after what was honestly the hottest experience of my life—and maybe yours too, based on how tight your pussy was strangling me. The next, you’re pissy and telling me to let you go. So, tell me, what changed?”

“Get out of me immediately. I don’t want you inside me anymore.”

He froze, glaring at me. Then he slowly backed away until we were no longer joined.



I winced at the sting he left behind. But he didn’t let me move. He still stood between my open legs, rubbing his palms along my upper thighs.

“Talk, Helen. I need you to give me your words.”

“Oh, so you do know it’s me? I wasn’t sure if you were fucking me or Abby. Or maybe it didn’t really matter who you fucked, as long as you had a warm hole to dump your rage into.” I slapped his chest with enough force to make him wince. “I don’t need you to be my boyfriend, but my pussy is not a receptacle for your feelings for another woman. You owe me a lot more respect than that. So fuck you. And get the hell out of my way so I can put my underwear on before I catch hepatitis from this counter.”


“No.” I hopped down, and he allowed me to slide by to grab my clothes. I shoved my legs in my shorts and glared at him. “You told me when we started this you don’t want to be responsible for my emotions—and you hammered that home just now. This is my line in the sand I will not let you cross again. We can be done. We don’t have to have a conversation. I’m out, Theo.”

“Theodore,” he murmured.

“Fuck you, Theo,” I hissed.

I got a step toward the door before Theo was on me, whipping me around to face him.

“I knew it was you,” he shot out. “How can you think I didn’t know exactly who I was with? I’ve never been this way with anyone else. What we have is only ours.”

“I saw you and Abby.”

Tags: Julia Wolf Romance