Page 4 of I Asked the Moon

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“Want me to drive you there?”

“No. Thank you. I need to get home and change. Then I’ll take my mom’s car,” I replied. I had my license, but not enough money to get my own car. My mom would have found a way to pitch in and get me a cheap car, but I didn’t want to add the extra stress.

“Okay. Here. Give me your phone.” He reached out.

I pulled my phone out of my back-right pocket and handed it over. It’s funny how different the phones used to be compared to the massive-screened smart phones of today. Mine at the time was the Sidekick in midnight blue. It was kind of useless since my mom wouldn’t pay for the internet service, but I really wanted it for the cool sliding screen and full keyboard. It made texting so much easier than using T9 on flip phones. I’d never forgotten that phone. It was a gift from my dad before he— Well, I’m not getting into that with you just yet.

He slid the screen open and added his number into the contacts, then handed it back to me as my thoughts ran a thousand miles an hour.

There was a problem with that. He didn’t call or text himself. Which meant he didn’t have mine, leaving me with the arduous and terrifying task of having to contact him first.Why?I asked myself after putting the phone back in my pocket. Why was I the one who had to contact him? Was this a test? I could have him take me home and I would forget the number was ever there. That’s what I would do. I would forget about this and hopefully he would too by the time senior year started in the fall.

But then I’d be the ass who ditched him. I’d be the person he and his friends, and eventually everyone else, thought was the inconsiderate jerk. Not that I really cared what people said about me.

As he made a right turn out of the parking lot and onto the main road, he asked if I wanted to hang out after my shift.

“Um. I can’t,” I replied.

“K. I get it.” There was that dreadedK.

“No. You don’t. I have plans with my friend Dana after I get off work.” I was still apprehensive about this whole encounter, and he knew—I could see in his eyes.

“Oh,” he said, the pitch of his voice ascending. “Well, then, tomorrow?” His eyes widened.

I looked at his face as he gazed toward the stoplight before making a turn onto my street. He didn’t look as intimidating as I thought he’d be. There was something in there. Something in those eyes soothed my continuous doubt. Did I like this guy? Was it safe for me to let him in?

“Woah!” He threw his arm toward my chest, stopping me from suddenly jolting forward as he pressed on the brakes.

My eyes widened as I exhaled from the light pressure of his arm, adrenaline beating through my chest. The silver Grand Caravan in front of us had stopped too quickly just before my street.How did he not see that car? Was he not paying attention?Our eyes met, and the adrenaline turned into butterflies.

“Shit. Sorry.” He put his right hand back on the wheel, cheeks red.

I nodded, then looked forward to calm my body as he turned onto my street. My house was halfway to the next main road so I had time to catch my breath before getting inside and being questioned.

He slowed down a few houses before mine. “So, tomorrow?” he hesitantly asked again.

I looked at my house slowly approaching to the right, the bleachers of the football field towering behind the three houses before mine. “Alrighty. Yeah, we can do that.”

He looked forward and smiled with an air of accomplishment, his red cheeks returning to their pinkish color.

Does he like me? He can’t like me. People at this school don’t like me like that.I side-eyed him, reaching down for my backpack.

“See ya later, Étienne,” I heard faintly before closing the door.

I pretended I didn’t hear it and waved as I walked up the driveway, but I definitely heard it. I also heard the tone of his voice. Like he was looking forward to it.What’s going on?I thought. I really didn’t understand what had happened. Were we friends? Did he like me? Was this a trick?

I turned and looked up the driveway to the green metal gate, wishing I understood what just happened. And wishing I had taken the long way home as I intended.

A few moments later I found myself sitting on my bed with my headphones in, listening to OceanLab’s new single “Sirens of the Sea”to try to mute the thoughts going through my head. I couldn’t stop replaying the conversation with Thad. I didn’t understand what encouraged him to approach me.Am I an interesting person? Yeah, that’s a no.Did he need something from me but didn’t want to be too forward and ask?That’s what it is. He needed something from me.

But what could it be?I asked myself before the door flew open.

“Really, Callum?” I threw my hands up as my kid brother entered, his twin Niall trailing behind him.

“Where’s my walkie talkie?” he demanded, turning over my hamper while Niall started pulling stuff out from under my bed.

“What are you—get outfrom under there.” I pulled on Niall’s stubby leg after he shoved out my swim bag. “Don’t you have another one?” I shook my head, still firmly holding on to Niall’s ankle.

“Étienne. Let go! We both have one,” replied Niall.

Tags: Paul A. Rayes Romance