Page 53 of Cul-de-sac

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“Oh my God!” Heidi exclaims. She had no idea Aiden knew anything about that. What exactly has his mother told him? “Aiden, I…”

Aiden turns, about to go back into his house, when the ball comes hurling through the air to hit him squarely in the back. He spins around, fists clenched, eyes filled with fury.

“Sorry,” one of the twins yells out as Aiden advances menacingly toward him. “It was an accident. I didn’t mean to hit you.”

“Aiden,” his wife says, running after him.

“Hey, man,” Sean says. “My son apologized. It was an accident.”

“Easy there,” says Nick, edging forward.

“Aiden,” Heidi says again, catching up to him and spinning him around. She stares into his eyes, but if he sees her, he gives no sign. “What’s happening, babe?”

His eyes suddenly snap back into focus. “Sorry,” he whispers. Then more loudly, “Sorry, everyone.” He turns and walks briskly back toward his house, pausing for an instant in front of Mark. “Stay away from my wife,” he warns quietly.

“I’m really sorry,” Heidi apologizes to Mark, then again to everyone, before following her husband inside their house and shutting the door.

“Who’s ready for the best chocolate chip cookies you’ll ever taste?” Julia calls out, emerging from her front door just as Heidi’s door closes, a large platter of cookies in hand.

“Perfect timing,” Nick says, relieved the unexpected drama has passed. “Come on, everyone. Dig in.” He looks toward his house to see Tyler leading Dani by the hand. “About time you guys got here.”

Dani manages a wan smile.

As if on cue, Maggie also steps outside. “Did I hear someone say chocolate chip cookies?”

“Not to mention some delicious homemade lemonade,” Olivia says, depositing a large pitcher on her front stoop, along with a tall stack of plastic cups. “Come and get it, everyone.”

Maggie sidles up to Dani Wilson as Olivia begins pouring the lemonade. Maybe Dani is just shy. Maybe if Maggie were to make more of an effort to get to know her…“I was talking to Tyler before,” she begins. “I mentioned that maybe he and my son, Leo, might get together one afternoon this week after school.”

“They’re in after-school programs till I get home,” Dani says, refusing to meet Maggie’s gaze.

“Well, there’s just one more week of school. Maybe after that…”

“Maybe,” Dani says. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m really not feelin’ very well.”

“Are you all right, sweetheart?” Nick asks, his voice radiating concern as she hurries away. “I’ll be in in a few minutes,” he calls after her. “I’ll talk to her later,” he says to Maggie. “I’m sure we can arrange something.”

Maggie smiles, though she doubts anything will come of it. She wonders how such a nice man got saddled with such a cold fish.

“I understand you came to my wife’s rescue earlier,” Sean is saying, suddenly at Maggie’s side.

“Happy to help out,” Maggie says.

“Anyone happen to have a tire pump?” Nick asks. “I noticed one of my tires was looking a little flat earlier.”

“We do,” Olivia says, going back inside her house, then returning seconds later, car keys in hand, heading for the garage. “I’m sure you have one in your car,” she says to her husband, opening his trunk and reaching for the tire pump before he realizes what’s happening. “What’s this?” she asks, holding up the bag from Ferragamo. “Sean,” she says, peeking inside it. “What’s this?”

Tags: Joy Fielding Thriller