Page 1 of The Doctor's Poppy

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“Ineed a new job,” I mutter under my breath, angrily shoving the door closed behind me so that I can get a few minute’s peace.

This is a new low even for me. Hiding in the janitor’s closet to avoid my new boss. The boss-hole from hell.

I had high hopes when the old doc retired. I bang my head on the shelves in the corner, wincing when I bang a little too hard. I thought I’d get someone young and fun to work with. Way to go, fate! I’m stuck with a guy who acts even older than old Doc Carter. He’s grouchy and cranky and hates any suggestions on how to update our systems in our little clinic to make it run more efficiently. He pretty much showed up and said, “I don’t want change. If it works, leave it the hell alone and stop bugging me!”

Those might have been his exact words too!

I stand up straight and run a hand down my colorful scrubs. Which he makes a face every time he sees. If he could, I think he’d make me wear something suitably boring.

But I’m dressed in professional scrubs so for now I’m safe. Until he gets another wild hair.

I push a stray tendril of my corkscrew red hair behind my ears. Thank god, it’s almost the weekend. I need a break. A big break.

“Where the hell are you, Poppy?” he growls and I sigh, stepping out of the closet.

“Sorry, I needed to find the deodorizer. Mrs. Campbell is next this afternoon and she’s very sensitive to smells since she got pregnant.”

His cold gray eyes squint at me. “Fine,” he grits out. I need you to get the files for this afternoon out for me and put them on my desk.”

My back straightens and I feel my temper rise. “I put those on your desk hours ago. Did you look in the left corner where I always leave them?”

“No, because I’ve asked you to put them on the right side. Perhaps you could remember what I prefer next time and we won’t have these silly delays.”

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. “You’re right, Dr. Knight. I’ll make sure and do that in the future.”

“Could you move them now?”

My mouth drops open and for just a second I swear I saw something almost human in his eyes. But then it’s gone. “You need me to move the papers on your desk?”

He nods his dark head and I swear to heaven, if I thought I could fool Clay, the Sheriff, I’d find a way to kill my boss. Arsenic in his coffee. Venomous spider in his desk. Something.

“Perhaps then you’ll remember for the next time.”

“Wow! Sure. I’ll do that right now, Doctor.”

“Great. And let me know when my next patient gets here. I’m going to take a quick break in the lunch room. I just had food delivered.”

And of course, he didn’t bother asking me if I wanted anything. I stomp away from him and straight into his office, gritting my teeth and swearing under my breath.

“Son of a bitch!” I grunt, quickly moving the stack of folders from one side of his perfectly empty desk to the other side. “Ridiculous. Honest to goodness, I am not going to make it to five o’clock.”

Heading back out front, I quickly clean and disinfect the waiting area after making sure that all the rooms are ready.

“How are you, Poppy?” Mrs. Cartwright’s cheerful voice breaks me out of my anger-induced cleaning.

I smile and step behind the reception area, quickly handing her the paperwork she needs to sign. “I am terrific,” I chirp. “How about you?”

She groans and holds her back. “Well, you know. I’m eight months now and this baby is sitting on my sciatic nerve, I swear. He’s just like his daddy. Always gotta ride my nerves,” she chuckles.

I laugh lightly. I know she’s kidding. They love each other. “I’m sure that’s not true at all. Let me let the doc know that you’re here and I’ll get you in a minute or so.”

She sits down with her paperwork. “Sure. No problem. I came early.”

I nod and walk to the back, running my suddenly-sweaty hand down my pants.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance