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Chapter Seven

Time stood still as Macy looked deeply into Jack’s eyes. Fire blazed in their deep brown depths, making her helpless to do anything but gaze upon her Mate, opening her heart and soul to him. Lowering his mouth to hers, Jack stopped right before their lips touched and whispered,“Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat.”

Catching her gasp as the words he’d spoken in Gaelic were instantly translated in her mind, Jack’s deep, manly chuckle sent tingles up and down her spine. Just the tender touch of his lips to hers started an ache deep in her soul that spread like wildfire through her entire body, igniting a passion that would burn bright and hot for all eternity.

Opened completely to one another, baring all that they were to the other half of their soul, was nothing short of miraculous. It was the culmination of years of love and adoration for the only man who truly called to her true nature – to her heart. Macy could feel Jack in every fiber of her being and felt the best part of herself binding to his. He was becoming as much a part of her as she was of him.

A small light, barely a glow, started in her heart and then flashed brightly, encompassing her entire being. In that bolt of lightning, Macy experienced everything Jack felt, completely assured that he shared her emotions just as deeply as she did.

Inhaling sharply at a twinge on the left side of her neck, Macy moaned at the loss as Jack immediately left her lips, trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck until he reached the tender spot. Licking and sucking, he lavished her tender flesh until all thoughts of anything, but their naked bodies loving one another vanished from her mind.

When they finally stopped kissing, Jack pulled away just far enough to turn to the side and motioned with his hand towards the surprise he and Felim had conjured with their very own Dragon Magic. As her eyes adjusted, Macy saw candles burning on every available surface, and a pallet of thick fluffy blankets stacked high in the center of an absolutely huge tent. It was her dream come true. Finally, they were back where it all started – their spot, under the stars.

Walking in silence until they stood at the edge of the blankets, Jack’s voice echoed all the love and passion she was feeling. “Our first kiss was on this mesa, under this glowing sky.” Shaking his head, his smile growing even more beautiful, her Dragon sighed, “Dammit, Macy, I've spent more nights than I care to admit in places I wouldn't let a dog go into, dreaming that you would be mine. But I'm here now, and I'm never leaving again if I can't take you with me. I thought it was only fitting that we spend our first night of forever, right here. That work for you?"

Unable to form a single coherent thought, Macy threw herself into his arms, kissing her Dragon as if her very life depended on it. Hands sliding under his shirt, she pulled just hard enough for the snaps lining the front to pop open, then pushed it off his shoulders.

His bare skin under her fingertips set off a whole fireworks display of electrical currents and magnetic attraction, causing an ache deep in her center that only Jack could cure. Sliding down his body, she kissed and tasted all the special spots she planned to revisit every day for the rest of her life. Dammit, Macy appreciated every inch of her amazing Mate, enjoying the hisses and groans flying from his lips as her body rubbed against his straining cock.

Removing his belt, she unbuttoned his pants and let her hand follow the trail of deep brown hair that disappeared into his pants. Fingers stretching to cover the girth of his erection, she smiled with delight and more than a little barely contained arousal of her own as it pulsed against her palm.

Working her fist to the tip, Macy let her thumb caress the weeping tip, spreading the warm, wet proof of his excitement around his heated flesh. Throwing back his head, Jack’s strained voice rumbled in her mind,“Macy, Mo ghrá, I love you with all that I am, but I’m not gonna make it much longer. I’ve spent the last ten years wanting you and only you. Don’t think I can wait much longer.”

“And I love you more than words can ever say, Dragon Man,”she lilted in return as his hips jerked back and forth, dragging his cock through her palm.

Listening to Jack's breathing getting more ragged with every passing second and seeing the pulse in his neck beat a staccato rhythm, Macy marveled at the mark in the shape of intertwined flames of Dragon Fire she knew hadn't been there before. Then she thought of the pinch she'd felt earlier and the fact that it had been where Jack's bite from their last night together had been, and everything made sense.

It was official. Macy wore his mark. They were really and truly together as only true Mates could ever be.

Passion clouded her mind in all the right ways. She thought of only the man before her as more evidence of his ecstasy puddled in her hand. Working her fist up and down his generous length, she felt him grow even harder and wanted nothing more than to drive her Mate wild.

Using her free hand and with Jack's help, Macy shoved his jeans to the ground, loving when he roughly kicked them out of the way, just as anxious as she was to go on. Then, placing her free hand on his thigh as she leaned forward, she took just as much of his cock into her mouth as would fit.

His essence on her tongue was mind blowing, the most wonderfully salty and amazing earthy thing she’d ever tasted. Letting her tongue massage the bulging vein running the length of the underside of his erection, her heart filled to bursting as Jack’s cock throbbed in reaction to her attentions.

Slowly, ever so gently, Macy let him slide from her mouth, quickly teasing the slit at the tip with her tongue. Jack tenderly held her head as the building tension in his fingers caused him to bunch her long curls softly in his hands. With her hand on his thigh, she felt his muscles quiver and knew he wanted to move his hips but used his considerable strength to hold back.

Longing to see her mate completely lost to their passion, Macy sucked his cock back into her mouth until the tip touched the back of her throat, sucked until her cheeks hollowed, then swallowed profoundly. The resulting groan from Jack and the shift of his hands to her shoulders in an attempt to push her back and dislodge his cock from her mouth let Macy know he was almost where she wanted him. Her need to give him the same pleasure he had shown her in the past and the feelings that were flowing between them spurred her on.

Sliding her lips over him, she once again hollowed her cheeks. This time she added the motion of her fist stroking up and down the base of his cock and massaged his balls with her free hand.

“Macy… Macy…Mo chroí…," Jack shouted, his voice as rough, deep, and sexy as anything she'd ever heard.

Unable to answer, Macy merely hummed, "Mmmmmhhmmmmmm," the resulting vibrations were a happy accident that caused her Mate to groan loud and long.

Trying to pull away from her mouth as hard as she wanted to keep him there, their opposing movements resulted in a give and take, adding fuel to the fire of their excitement. Changing his tactics, his groans getting louder as his body got hotter, Jack slid his hands under her arms and tried to lift her from the ground, but Macy was having none of it. She was nothing if not determined to start forever with her Mate in the best possible way.

Doubling her efforts, the Dragoness quickened her pace until her Mate roared her name to the Heavens, and the warm, wet flow of his essence slid down her throat. Swallowing every drop, Macy worked Jack's cock in and out of her mouth until his breathing slowed and his heart rate was almost normal. Only then did she let him fall from her lips.

Standing before her, Jack placed his hands on her waist and looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "You are absolutely amazing, my love. Forever will never be long enough to show you how very much you mean to me."

Ever so slowly, he leaned forward, placing a sweet, butterfly kiss above one eyebrow then the other, on one closed eyelid then the other. Then, continuing to show Macy the tenderest of adoration with his lips, Jack touched as many places as he could until he had worked his way to the base of her throat.

Thank God he didn't stop there…

Every inch of her décolletage knew his attention while his hands slowly unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her jeans, tossing them away and leaving her in nothing but her favorite pink bra and panty set. Then, leaning back, Jack ran his eyes slowly from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and back again. Feeling her nipples harden to just shy of the point of pain and the wetness that until now had gathered in her pussy wet the inside of her thigh. Macy dared not move. Hell, she could barely breathe. She wanted to etch the absolutely perfect moment in her brain for all time.

“You are the most beautiful creature ever created, Macy Lindon-Thorntree, and you are all mine,” he whispered right before his mouth slammed to hers as he laid her back on the soft pillow of the pallet behind them.

Tags: Julia Mills Paranormal