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No truer words have ever been spoken. Doing as Macy remembered Jack talking about when he explained what it felt like to share his soul with the Dragon King he called Felim, Macy simply relinquished control of her body to her Dragon Queen and became a spectator in her own mind and soul. Stepping exactly opposite of Jack, Queen Fione mirrored every motion of the Male Warrior Dragon, giving play-by-play where she could – teaching as only a mentor could do - as together the two Dragons battled the Lupine Master into a corner.

It was an unbelievable and intoxicating mix of fear, thrills, and belief that what they were doing was absolutely right and completely just. Movements so fast some were little more than a blur, Jack spun one way and then the other before turning to the side. The whirling blades jutting from his back, the result of his extremely long wings folding in on themselves and becoming manageable for his Warrior form, shot sheet after sheet of acidic toxin at the Wolfman.

Shrieking in pain as his skin – both furred and scaled – sizzled and oozed, the Lupine Master stepped backward only to have Queen Fione shove him right back towards Jack with the jabbing force of the long talons jutting from her hands. Black, rancid blood poured down his back as the huge scorpion stinger protruding from the small of his back pecked and stabbed, searching for the Warrior Dragoness’ head.

“Watch out!”Macy yelled."That thing's gonna…."

"Ah, see it, Bairn. Don't ye fash yerself."


And that was as far as she got when Queen Fione and Jack both produced huge, matching, jeweled broadswords from thin air. Pulling hers back over her right shoulder as Jack did the same with his, it was all over in one mighty, perfectly coordinated swing of their miraculous blades. Her Dragoness went high while her Mate’s Dragon went low.

The inky, ebony plasma of the Lupine Master splattered in huge, goopy globules on the walls of the cave as Jack’s sword slashed through its broad torso. Gasping at the feel of the blade slicing through the muscles, tendons, joints, and bone of the Wolfman’s spine, Macy was stunned at her lack of disgust and more than a little scared when she wasn’t repulsed.

“Stop 'at, reit noow, Bairn,”Queen Fione immediately and harshly reprimanded. Then, instantly calming her tone, she continued.“As ye will soon learn, it is oour job tae protect oour kin, all others like us an' humankin' alike froom monsters sic' as ‘at oone thare. Ye, Macy Jane Lindon, were chosen fur yer strength, yer intellect, an' yer unyieldin' belief in th' innategood oof all creatures.”

“But how could you…? I mean, how could…? What is…? What about Roxanne? She’s my sister, shouldn’t she be…?”

"Nae, Bairn, yer sister wasnae chosen. Dragon blood disnae run in yer lineage, 'as it did nae run in mine until Ah received th' call. Yer Roxie has another destiny. Thes is yoors. Tae be Dragon an' tae be Mated tae oone of th' best men an' Guardsmen tae walk th' Earth."

“But how are you here? How did this happen? How did I not know? How did you…?”

“Like Ah said, Ah knew ye afore ye were born,”Queen Fione cooed.“Have knoown ye fur centuries. Fate wulnae be denied, Bairn. We ur oone. That is hoo it will be, an' together, ye an' 'at man right thaur are gonna change th' world.”

Tags: Julia Mills Paranormal