Page 23 of Grumpy Billionaire

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“Shakes,” I yelled sharply. He jumped and looked over Ben’s shoulder to see I meant business. “Knock it off and go home. I’ll call you later.”

It was clear he was glad for the out and, when Ben let go of him, he slunk to his car. I quickly opened the door and Ben escorted me inside while we waited for Shakes to drive off.

“That was embarrassing,” I snapped, turning my back on him in the hallway.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

I whirled around. “For what? This scene here, or the scene back at the river?”

His eyes darkened and his glare returned, aimed at me now. I didn’t care at all and gave him one right back.

“I was sorry that he was giving you trouble,” Ben said. “I don’t get why you put up with him, help or no help. Hire an assistant for God’s sake.”

I laughed at his utter cluelessness. “Not everyone can afford an assistant. You know the vast majority of people in the world don’t have one, right?”

His glare disappeared, replaced by the sorrow I was weak against. Damn it. “I just think you shouldn’t be getting treated that way for any reason.”

Double damn it. I was stuck between dying to forgive him and embarrassed as hell that he was pitying me.

“You don’t know anything about my life,” I said, feeling tears prick at my eyes. I would have set myself on fire before I let one fall. “And what you do know you don’t approve of. So, please, just stop caring about me.” I finally heard Shakes roar off, revving his engine as he turned the corner. I nodded toward the door. “You can go now.”

I couldn’t wait for him to be gone so I could let out my frustrated tears. At the same time, I knew the real reason I’d be crying was that he was gone.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance