Page 18 of Grumpy Billionaire

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I wilted at that. “Do you know why she stopped?”

Laurel shook her head, idly flipping pages. “I used to read it at her house.”

“But you don’t anymore? You never get it for yourself?” It was disconcerting considering people who lived in a place like this were our target demographic.

She snickered. “I don’t remember the last time I bought a magazine.”

“Yeah, fair point. But what about the online version?”

She looked up at me. “I didn’t know there was an online version.”

Well, that wasn’t good. “So, now that you do, would you check it out?”

Her look turned curious at my continued survey. “Are you thinking about doing some work for them?” she asked. “Submitting some pictures?”

Ah, I remembered when I was a carefree photographer and it didn’t matter what state any of the publications that accepted my work were in. “Something like that,” I sighed, not wanting to get into it. “Keep those. If you see your mom, ask her why she stopped subscribing.”

She closed the magazine she was flipping through. “Thanks. And, sure, if you want.”

We chatted about all the things to do in the area now that the rain had stopped and I asked if she knew any good trails where I could take some killer scenic shots.

“All the best trails are actually on your side of the mountain,” she said. “You could definitely get some great pictures. The bait shop has topo maps.”

I supposed I was waiting for her to offer to show me the trails, but it looked like I might have been waiting forever. If I wanted to spend more time with her, it was up to me.

“How about you show me them?” I asked.

Our eyes met and hers sparkled with mischief. “I would, except I was told to stay off the mountain until the grumpy tenant up there leaves.”

So that was how she was going to play things. I leaned over the table, trying not to grin. “I think it’s more that you were told by the very reasonable guest up there not to risk your life while he’s in residence. I’m pretty sure you’re allowed on the mountain otherwise.”

A family came in and she groaned, jumping up. “I better not risk it,” she said.

I realized I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to spend more time with her, but I wasn’t about to give in to her demands, either. “What about around the river, then?” I asked before she went back to work. “I could use a tour guide. Whatever the going rate is.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. “You really couldn’t invite me as a friend?”

I shook my head right back at her. “Nope.”

“Fine, money is money.” She leaned over and grabbed the magazines I gave her. “Meet me here tomorrow at ten.”

I watched her hips sway as she went to greet the family. On my way back up the mountain, reason tried to take over, but I was too excited about seeing Laurel again the next day.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance