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“You sure?” She slanted a brow.

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

“So, the fact that Ink has been keeping his distance from you the last few days doesn’t bother you?”

I bit my lip, wondering whether me throwing her with my crutch would be a subtle enough hint for her to shut up. “I’m okay, Swan Lake. I just don’t feel like cheap beer right now.”

By the look on her face, she clearly got the message in my snarky response, that message beingback off.

Everyone stared at me like a cracked piece of glass, about to shatter at any moment. I looked in Wraith’s direction. “How are you doing? Adjusting to your new environment well?”

She and Onyx stared at each other all fucking googly eyes. “I guess you could say that.”

I could practically hear the voice of cloud nine coming out of her mouth.Ugh. All the butterflies and unicorns flying around here lately were making me nauseated.

“Okay, so, that’s my cue.” I grabbed my crutch and pushed myself from my seat when Alyx jumped up.

Holding out my hand, I smiled at her half-heartedly. “Stay. You don’t have to call it a night every time I get tired and want to go to my room.”

“But you know I always help you.”

“I know. And I appreciate it. But I think I can manage getting myself to bed on my own now that the cast is off and I only need one crutch.”

“You sure?” Worry lines formed grooves on her forehead.

“Yeah, I’m sure, Swan Lake. Have another drink, a few laughs, and don’t worry about me.”

Alyx smiled. “I’ll always worry about you.”

I skipped on one leg and crutches toward the stairs. “Then I suggest you throw that expensive anti-wrinkle cream out the window, ’cause worrying about me will just make you fucking old.”

Granite snorted while Alyx placed her hands on her hips, giving me one of her trademark glares which were a mix between I’m-not-amused and I-still-love-you-though.

Alyx huffed. “At least let me help you up the stairs.”

“Good night, Swan Lake.”

I reached the first step and took a breath, focusing on the task at hand. Getting up these motherfucking stairs without breaking my other leg.

“Let me help.” Ink’s voice came from behind, and I stilled.

“I’m fine. I can do it.”

He stepped in next to me, placing a hand on my elbow. “Just let me help you.”

My first instinct was to jerk my arm out of his grip, but I didn’t. I stood there, not turning his way. “Okay.”

“Okay?” He sounded surprised.

“I said okay. Now are you going to help me or not?”

“Yeah.” He reached out, and I steadied myself by leaning on his arm with one hand.

The first three steps weren’t so bad, but the farther up we went, the more tired I became. These damn stairs were like fucking mountains, and I felt the frustration knocking at my skull. I wanted to run up and down these goddamn stairs like I used to before…before…

No. I won’t think about it.

“You okay?” Ink asked, giving me a worrying glance.

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark