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She stilled. “Let’s just keep it at Wraith, okay?” She turned my way. “Besides, it’s not like Onyx is your real name either.”

There was something in her eyes. It wasn’t a warning, or a threat. It was a plea, a desperation for me not to push the subject. It gave me the feeling she really didn’t want me—or anyone, for that matter—to know her name. And that made me want to know it so much more.

Leaning on one arm, I studied her, my head already running in circles to think of a way I could crack through the hard bitch exterior…because I really fucking wanted to. “There’s something about you that makes me want to figure you out.”

“Don’t waste your time.” She smiled, yet it didn’t reach her eyes. “Many have tried but failed.”

“I won’t.” I slid closer, my lips already craving to kiss her again. “See, that’s the thing about me. I love the hunt more than I love the game. By not sharing your secrets with me, you’re only making me more determined to hunt for them.”

She inched forward. “I dare you to try.”

There it was. The magic fucking word. Dare. If a woman used that word around me, it was like flicking a switch inside my brain. That one simple word made my adrenaline spike, the thrill of the challenge prickling my skin.

“I’ll make you deal.” I kept her gaze. “A race. If I win, you tell me your real name.”

She licked her lips, and I already knew she was hungry for the challenge. “And if I win?”

“I’ll let you kiss me again.”

A soft laugh rolled over her lips. “You’re a confident man, aren’t you?”

“I have reason to be.”

“Oh, and you’re full of yourself too.”

I leaned in, my cheek barely touching hers as I pushed my lips against her ear. “I bet you want to be full of me too.”

“Oh, my God.” She pressed a finger against my chest and gently pushed me away as she straightened. “You have the worst pickup lines ever, you know that? Come on, let’s get this race over with so I can crush that mountain-sized ego of yours.”

My dick could not have been any harder than it was right fucking then. Watching her walk out in front of me, sashaying those curvy hips, made the challenge so much more goddamn attractive. Deep down, I knew I couldn’t afford this kind of distraction right now, but what guy in his right fucking mind would pass this up? I’d be an idiot to—which was why I rushed after her.

The door slammed shut behind me as I stepped outside. It was a few minutes after midnight, the streets no longer crowded. There was a slight chill in the summer air tonight, and it felt good against my heated skin.

Wraith was already on her bike, fastening her lid under her chin. “Come on, playboy, we don’t have all night.”

“You really think you can beat me in my own back yard?” I grabbed my lid and hopped onto my ride.

“I know I can.”

“Confidence is really attractive on a woman. I might just let you win.”

“Don’t you dare,” she warned, starting the ignition. “If I win, it’ll be fair and square.”

“So, youdon’twant me to go easy on you?”

She pulled up next to me. “Nope.” Her eyes met mine. “Give me all you got.”

Challenge motherfucking accepted.

I looked down the road. “There are two sets of traffic lights. I’ve raced down this street enough times to know those lights are perfectly in sync with each other. One turns green, so does the other. At this time of night, they stay green for exactly thirty seconds. That gives us twenty-nine seconds to get from the first traffic light to the second before it changes.”

She revved her engine. “First one to race across the green light wins.”

“No. That would be too easy.” I shot her a coy grin. “At the second green light, turn left. The back street will curve and lead us straight back here, coming from the other direction.”

She scrunched up her nose, excitement beaming in her eyes. “Ready when you are.”

“Let’s do this.”

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark