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“The day Slither and I agreed on a truce so I could save Alyx, I gave him my word—”

“I know that, but we can’t just sit around and do—”

“Onyx,” I snapped, “let me talk.”

He rolled his eyes, and I could literally feel his frustration.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, making him look me in the eye. “The day I stepped up as president of the American Street Kings, I took a vow to do what was best for the club. To protect its members and do right by them. Apart from Alyx, this crew is my life.” I settled back, pulling a hand down my beard. “I also promised Ink that he will be the one to slit Slither’s throat, and I plan to fulfill that promise.”

Onyx blinked a few times, eyebrows raised in confusion. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying my deal with Slither is that as long I am president of the Kings, we will not retaliate or pose a threat to them.” I crossed my arms. “And that is why, little brother, I am stepping down…and you will take my place as the new president of the American Street Kings.”

***The End…for now***

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