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“Why do you look like an asshole?”

“Because I am an asshole.”

Onyx scowled at me with a sullen expression on his face, like the fucker saw right through me. Animosity pulsed from him to me in angry waves, and even Ink could feel the atmosphere turn to shit.

“Okay, boys. We got a lot of shit to get through today. Let’s not add butchery and carnage to that, okay?”

Onyx turned his attention back to his plate of scrambled eggs, and I poured myself a cup of coffee. “Everything set for today?”

“Yup,” Ink replied while still chewing. “Two vans. Two routes. And a fuck-load of guns. That’s all we need, right?”

I snorted. “Right. Where’s Dutch?”

“He and Manic left a few hours ago. They’re scouting both routes.”

“Good. I’ll meet you assholes here in twenty. I need a shower.” About to leave, I heard a chair screech across the kitchen floor.

“Tell me again why we’re doing all of this?”

I leaned my head back, annoyed as fuck. “Onyx, please don’t start. Not now.”

“Does she know?”

Reluctantly, I turned to face him. “Know what?”

“The reason you chose her to be a part of all this.”

Annoyance flickered at the back of my head. “And what reason might that be?”

“You couldn’t fuck Kate, so you had to fuck Alyx.”

And just like that, he flipped the fucking switch, and I launched forward, ready to fucking stab him between his goddamn eyes. But Ink jumped in front of me, trying to keep Onyx and me apart. “Stop. Both of you. Let’s get this woman to the safe house first, then you can slaughter each other, okay? Odds are one of you will die on route anyway, so let’s see if we can spill blood on tar rather than on perfectly clean kitchen tiles.” He glanced from Onyx to me. “’Kay?”

Fists balled, ready to dish out pain, I glared at my little brother, silently shooting daggers at his forehead. I pointed at him while clenching my jaw. “You better start watching your motherfucking mouth.”

I jerked away from Ink and straightened, the need to kick my brother’s ass simmering in my gut. But Ink was right. We had more important shit to worry about today.

“Suit up,” I said to them both. “And get hold of Dutch and Manic. Tell them we’re leaving in an hour.”

Ink nodded. “Got it.”

For a few seconds more, I looked at Onyx, the air laden with animosity, and I knew it was jealousy burning in his eyes. Jealousy, just like it was back then.

Seemed like history was about to repeat itself.



After Granite left,Neon closed the door, her face all scrunched up with curiosity. “I’ve never been really interested in any of these guys’ sex lives. But right now, I really want to know what the fuck happened in this room—fuck being the relevant word, here."

I clutched the sheet tighter, and Neon looked down. “Is that…is that blood?” She walked closer, and I could already feel my cheeks warm with embarrassment. “Holy shit, Swan Lake. Are you a…I mean,wereyou…”

“A virgin, yes.”

“Aaaaw, poor thing.” Her eyes were suddenly strangely gentle as she stared at me. “It’s just your luck, ain’t it, Swan Lake? To get a man hung like a fucking camel to be your first.” She placed a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice on the bedside table before taking a seat on the bed. “I bet your vagina feels like it’s been shredded. And just a fair warning, it’s going to feel like you’re carrying a brick in there when you walk. All heavy and shit, like your uterus is about to fall out.”

I burst out laughing, and Neon joined in. It felt good to laugh for a change, especially after what just happened between me and Granite. I didn’t regret it, though. It felt good being with him. A part of me just wished it could have been under different circumstances. But I guessed it made sense that being with Granite would be…unconventional.

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark