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“Nothing, man. Neon let her out so the prospects could clean her room.”

“And you just let her?”

Onyx snorted. “Do you know Neon? There’s no telling that woman.”

“You’re the VP. You should know better.”

His jaw clenched, lips pulled in a straight line. “And you’re the president. You should know better than to put the club at risk for your own fucking personal reasons.”

A wrecking ball of flames and fury slammed against my chest, and I balled my fists, feeling the veins bulge in my arms. “You should think twice before throwing those kinds of accusations around, little brother.”

He pushed himself off the counter and grabbed a beer from the fridge. “It’s the truth. You and I both know it.”

“Explain,” I demanded simply, relaxing my fists a little.

“Sure. I’ll explain it to you in one word.” He popped the cap off his beer. “Kate.”

Yeah. One word. Just one fucking word that made me want to beat the shit out of my brother. The second her name left his mouth, I wanted to slam my fist into his face and break his nose.

Instead, I got up from the chair, needing to be face-to-face with him. “Don’t go there, brother.”

Onyx smirked. “Why not,brother?Afraid to relive some old memories?”


He set his beer down on the table, straightening. “Why not? You and I both know what’s really going on here. You have your own personal reasons for having her here.” He pointed toward the bedroom where Alyx was. “And using her as a pawn in our little game of revenge against the Pythons is only half of it.”

“Don’t talk about shit you don’t know.”

“Oh, I know. I know about Kate, and I know Alyx reminds you of her. That’s why she’s here, isn’t it?”

In that moment, I lost my shit, launching myself at Onyx. We grabbed at each other’s collars and gripped tight, a fucking deadlock between two giants ready to break each other.

“It’s been a long time since I kicked your ass, little brother. Keep on talking, and that will change.”

Onyx didn’t move and didn’t lessen his grip on my cut. “I’m right. She does remind you of Kate. You know how I know?” He clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth. “Because she reminds me of Kate as well.”

For a brief second, I saw in his eyes what I had felt in my soul for years. Anger. Regret. Grief. But instead of feeling sorry for him, it made me want to hurt him even more.

“Why are you two talking about my sister when you’re about to kill each other?”

Onyx and I looked at Dutch standing by the door. Immediately, Onyx and I let go of each other, but I kept my eyes on him. “Stay away from her, Onyx. Consider this your first and last warning.”

Onyx straightened his jacket. “Sure thing, brother. Just know that having her won’t make you feel any less guilty about Kate.”

I couldn’t stop it. Those words triggered an automatic reaction, and when I blinked, it was too late. My fist connected with Onyx’s jaw, blood splattering from his mouth and onto the white kitchen tiles. But Onyx was a big motherfucker, just like me, and my punch didn’t make him go down. Instead, he launched at me, slamming his shoulder into my midsection. The air exploded from my lungs, pain shooting up my chest. My back hit the wall, and I wrapped my arm around his neck, trying to force him up so I could beat his face to a fucking pulp. But Dutch grabbed Onyx by his cut, pulling him off me and shoving him to the other side of the kitchen.

“Stop this shit, both of you!” Dutch glared from Onyx to me, and back to Onyx. “This is not the time or the right fucking topic to lose your shit over. What the fuck is wrong with you two?”

Onyx spat out some blood then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, glowering at me. “Stop pretending that this is all about avenging Dad’s death. Because it’s not, and we both know it.” Then he left, storming out of the kitchen.

Dutch turned to me. “What the fuck, Granite?”

I straightened. “Little shit doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.”

“I think he does.”

I paused and frowned at Dutch. “What?”

Tags: Bella J. American Street Kings Dark