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“It’s not too late, Tatum. I told you then, and I’ll tell you again. We can leave this world behind us. We can start over anywhere you want. You and our daughter do not have to be a part of this life.”

I reached out and cupped his cheek in my palm. “This is your life, Castello. Our life. And I know there is no better life for our child. She will always be protected, always have what she needs, and that is all that matters to me.”

“She’ll be protected no matter what. Whether we stay here and live as Fattores or move and build a whole new life.”

I shook my head. “This is who you are. You are Castello Fattore, head of the Fattore family. I’m proud to be Mrs. Castello Fattore. And one day, your daughter will be proud of her father and the power he represents.”

Castello reached out, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me closer. His lips crashed against mine, his tongue sweeping greedily through my mouth. Three years ago, I thought I had lost everything. But Castello saved me. He taught me to embrace my pain, my grief, and to use it to strengthen me. It took months before I was able to start living again, before I started seeing any color. Castello gave me no choice. He refused to let me give up. And I didn’t.

The truth was a part of me died that night—the night the devil took my baby from me. But something was reborn in its place. Something stronger, harder, something that replaced the last bit of innocence I had left in me.

It was a cruel world we lived in. I realized that after everything that happened three years ago. And the only way to survive was to keep going from strength to strength. Only the strongest survive, which was why I chose to remain in his world. Here, Castello and I ruled. Here, we were the strongest of the strong, and together we would teach our daughter that no matter what, we would never show weakness.

Castello took a deep breath. “Okay then. Are you ready?”

I nodded, my heart beating a little faster than normal. But a man once told me to never show when you’re nervous. Being nervous showed a lack of confidence. And a lack of confidence was seen as a weakness.

I was no longer weak. I was his queen, and I had learned to rule alongside my king.

We got out of the car, and I unstrapped Emilie from her seat before picking her up, closing the car door.

Castello walked up next to us, gently placing his palm on Emilie’s cheek. “I don’t deserve the kind of happiness you two give me. But I thank God every day he has shown me mercy by giving me the chance to love you both.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” Emilie said cheerily, and we both chuckled.

Castello took my hand. “Ready?”


Together we crossed the street, and with my one thousand dollar shoes, I walked with the kind of confidence that showed the world nothing could bring me down. I’d embraced my new life, and no one would ever take it away from me.

We reached the front door, and I took a moment to take in all the familiarities. It brought back so many memories, good and bad. But I chose to hold onto the good.

Castello reached out and rang the doorbell. “You nervous?”

I cocked a brow at him. “You should know better than that.”

“Good.” He smiled proudly, and I loved it.

The door opened, and when the woman’s gaze found mine, she sucked in a breath. “Tatum?”

I smiled. “Hello, Mother.”


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